
Posts Tagged ‘Web Browser’

How do i delete the websites i visited on my web browser address bar.?

April 4th, 2013 4 comments

Please tell me how to delete the web sites that i visited on my web browser tool bar.

Normally if you delete the files / cache / history all those site in your address bar would disappear on most browsers.

if your using Mozilla Firefox then you can like use "ctrl+H" to see the history tab and just delete the entries you don’t want.

How to Safeguard Against Internet Explorer Vulnerability – December 2008

February 21st, 2013 No comments

A big story in most media at present confrims that Microsoft is desparately seeking a solution to a new problem in all versions Internet Explorer. This ‘vulnerability’ could allow hackers to do various nasty things such as log for passwords, install programs without your knowledge etc. It is said that only about 0.2% of computers are affected at present but if you would like to take precautions, read on:

1.  Make sure your Internet Explorer Security Settings are High

(a) Click on Tools, then from the menu that appears click on Internet Options and then click the Security tab

(b) Now and set Internet security to ‘High’ by sliding the button on the security slider

2.  Restricted User Accounts on your computer

Your PC can be set to run at different levels of security, changing what the computer allows you to do. Many computers have been set up with an ‘Administrator’ account for installing new programs, making system changes etc. and ‘User’ accounts for day to day use. If you have only one account and you don’t have to choose a username when you start using your computer you probably have an ‘Adminstrator’ account. This is very convenient but more prone to hacker activity.

If you are using Vista you will have noticed that some important actions such as installing or running new programs require a prompt from you. This is a safety precaution which is applied even if you are running an administrator account. This precaution does not happen in XP.

If you only have an administrator account, it is recommend that you set up a separate user account with restricted rights for every day use. If you would like to take this precaution and are not familiar with setting up user accounts, you will need to take advice from your computer support technician.

3.  Change your Internet Browser

Internet Explorer is not the only web browser, there are alternatives. Installing and running a new web browser is very straight forward.

John Studd

How to Create Your Own Website With Gogobuilder?

February 15th, 2013 No comments

There are several simple steps you can take when you want to create your own website with The first step is to learn how to create a text document, the second step is to learn the basic HTML tags, the third step is to learn how to view a sample web page, the fourth step involves the use of electronic images, the fifth step is to learn how to insert HTML tags and then learn how to view and edit web pages. The final step is to learn how to put your website in search engines and make it be known by web users.

Creating a text document is one of the ways to create your own website with You need to learn how to create the words on your web pages, you can do this by making use of the word processor on, You have to give your document a name ending in html. You can begin by creating a title with attention grabbing introduction, this will make people realize immediately what your page is all about. You can think about places where you can insert breaks in your texts, long paragraph breaks would help your web pages become more readable while creating them on will help you make use of the paragraph and horizontal rules in creating perfect web pages for your website. will also help you in starting off your pages with eye-catching images and pictures right beside the title and at the top of your web pages. will also help you insert your pictures if they are electronic format.

You can create your own website with through the use of the web browser, you can use the browser to create smart of curly quotes on your web pages, you can turn the quotes off and they will form little icons on your web browser, while straight quotes become much more fascinating. You can make use of the straight quotes that you have created on for your web authoring activities.

You do not have to be worried about creating perfect word and text documents for your web pages, has designed templates as well as other web design tools that can make it very easier for you, all you need to do is to play with the tools and you will be surprised how fast you will learn to use them in creating web page contents for your website.

Muhammad Ishfaq

Blogging: Choosing the Right Tools

June 4th, 2012 No comments

In blogging, using the correct blog software tools can help you manage the goings-on of your blog. When it comes to publishing your blog content, there are two kinds of blog software tools that you can use, such as: the server-based tools and the client-based tools. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages and it is up to you to choose the one that is right for your blog.

The Client-based Tools

One of the two blog software tools that you can choose from is the client-based tools. These tools’ purpose is to aid you with publishing your blog and they are normally installed on your computer and also run from there. Additionally, client-based tools are also categorized as small blogs that are able to run from your hard drive.

Client-based tools also have text editors that allow you to perform word processing applications from your own computer. Thus, a text blog editor enables you to create and publish your own content at the comfort of your own desktop.

Obviously, the first advantage of using client-based tools, like the text editor, is convenience. Most bloggers choose to publish their work with a desktop tool rather than a Web browser, which entails logging into the blog software’s control panel and accessing the Web-based text editor.

Additionally, client-based tools can be managed either locally or remotely. Such tools can allow you to manage and edit your posts remotely. More so, the content of your blog can also be managed locally by saving drafts to a local computer. These can be very beneficial to those with limited Internet connection since accessing and managing the content of your blog remotely and locally can be done without the need of being connected to the Internet.

Lastly, you can manage multiple blogs through the use of client-based tools. If by any chance you are publishing more than one blog, it might be easier if you consider using a blog editor. The blog editor can be easily configured to manage all your blogs. You only have to enter the same information that you use to log in into your server tool combined with the particular kind of server software you are using and the blog editor can save that information in its configuration.

The Server-based Tools

Another kind of blog software tool that you can choose from is the server-based tools. There are two varieties of such tools: blog hosting service provider tools and server-based publishing tools.

The first variety is automatically provided by your blog hosting service provider. Hosted blog software tools are very easy to use and you do not have to install any software or manage any configuration too difficult to comprehend. These kinds of tools can help you focus on publishing your content.

With the use of hosted software tools, you are also provided with an assortment of design templates. These can help you in choosing the desired layout that suits your blog. More so, the layouts can be easily customized, including the fonts, columns, colors, etc.

On the other hand, publishing tools you install on the server has the advantage of giving you the level of customization and control you need over the configuration settings. Through the use of these kinds of server-based tools, you can decide how much storage space you allocate, extend the features of your blog through plug-ins or add-ins and make custom layouts and pages.

Nicholas Tan

10 Quick Rules For Better Search Engine Ranking

May 28th, 2012 No comments

If you are setting up a website, follow these simple rules to improve search engine rankings of your site. You can also follow these techniques if your website is not ranked high in search engines for certain keywords. Concentrate on the home page of your site and once you learn the techniques, you will be able to apply them to the other pages of your site that will have multiple high ranking pages.

1. Find keywords (or key phrases) relevant to your website. Go to the overture keyword selector tool (type key phrase overture inventory in Google) and check the popularity of the keywords you want to use. Avoid highly popular keywords. Highly popular keywords are very competitive and the least popular keywords are search engine traffic starved.

Select a dozen keywords and key phrases from the middle of the list. This is a very important exercise and you should spend at least a couple of hours, if not more, researching different keywords. While you are researching your keywords, check your competitors by doing a search in a couple of popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc., using those keywords. Keep a record of your competitors’ urls and other information because you don’t want to waste your time doing the same search again in the near future.

2. Use the keywords you selected into the meta tags of your home page. Meta tags are located in the head section of a web page. Go to one of your competitor’s website and select View and then Source from your web browser’s menu to view the html source of the web page. You will see the meta elements.

The two important meta tags are keywords and description meta tags. Don’t leave them blank. You can list your keywords, separated by comma, in the keywords meta tag. Construct a catchy description using your keywords for the description meta tag.

3. Use the keywords in your title tag. The text you use in the title tag appears in the title bar of the web browser. The title tag should be less than 64 characters long. Again, the key is to use a meaningful title using the keywords. Don’t just make a laundry list of your keywords for the title tag.

The title tag and your meta description may end up in many search engine listings. So, spend sometime to make these two elements interesting, meaningful, and relevant to your site.

4. Use the keywords in top heading (h1) tags of your page. Use one keyword (or a key phrase) for each h1 tag. Use these h1 tags for the headings of your contents.

5. In the home page content, use bold, using the strong html element, to highlight some of your keywords.

6. Italicize some of the keywords in your page.

7. Use the keywords in alt tags of images. You should always use the alt tag for all images.

8. Encourage others to use the keywords for text anchors when they link back to your site. Better yet, publish your own short link text with keyword anchors, bold and italicized key phrases and give it away for link exchanges.

9. If possible, use the keywords in your domain name. Try different arrangements of the keywords to come up with an available domain name that you can register.

10. If you are using php or asp or any other web programming language for your dynamic website, make your url search engine friendly using url rewrite techniques. Search the phrase url rewrite in Google to know more about url rewrite.

Keep in mind these simple rules every time you want to launch a website. Spending a few days upfront in the preparation of your site will pay off in the long run with better search engine rankings.

Kevin Sinclair

14 Rules To Abide By For Search Engine Traffic

May 6th, 2012 No comments

If you are setting up a website, follow these simple rules to improve search engine rankings of your site. You can also follow these techniques if your website is not ranked high in search engines for certain keywords. Concentrate on the home page of your site and once you learn the techniques, you will be able to apply them to the other pages of your site that will have multiple high ranking pages.

1. Find keywords (or key phrases) relevant to your website. Go to the overture keyword selector tool (type key phrase overture inventory in Google) and check the popularity of the keywords you want to use. Avoid highly popular keywords. Highly popular keywords are very competitive and the least popular keywords are search engine traffic starved.

Select a dozen keywords and key phrases from the middle of the list. This is a very important exercise and you should spend at least a couple of hours, if not more, researching different keywords. While you are researching your keywords, check your competitors by doing a search in a couple of popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc., using those keywords. Keep a record of your competitors’ urls and other information because you don’t want to waste your time doing the same search again in the near future.

2. Use the keywords you selected into the meta tags of your home page. Meta tags are located in the head section of a web page. Go to one of your competitor’s website and select View and then Source from your web browser’s menu to view the html source of the web page. You will see the meta elements.

The two important meta tags are keywords and description meta tags. Don’t leave them blank. You can list your keywords, separated by comma, in the keywords meta tag. Construct a catchy description using your keywords for the description meta tag.

3. Use the keywords in your title tag. The text you use in the title tag appears in the title bar of the web browser. The title tag should be less than 64 characters long. Again, the key is to use a meaningful title using the keywords. Don’t just make a laundry list of your keywords for the title tag.

The title tag and your meta description may end up in many search engine listings. So, spend sometime to make these two elements interesting, meaningful, and relevant to your site.

4. Use the keywords in top heading (h1) tags of your page. Use one keyword (or a key phrase) for each h1 tag. Use these h1 tags for the headings of your contents.

5. In the home page content, use bold, using the strong html element, to highlight some of your keywords.

6. Italicize some of the keywords in your page.

7. Use the keywords in alt tags of images. You should always use the alt tag for all images.

8. Encourage others to use the keywords for text anchors when they link back to your site. Better yet, publish your own short link text with keyword anchors, bold and italicized key phrases and give it away for link exchanges.

9. If possible, use the keywords in your domain name. Try different arrangements of the keywords to come up with an available domain name that you can register.

10. If you are using php or asp or any other web programming language for your dynamic website, make your url search engine friendly using url rewrite techniques. Search the phrase url rewrite in Google to know more about url rewrite.

11. Don’t use frames in your web pages. Many search engines will not crawl framed pages. For a search engine spider to crawl a page, you need a clickable url. When you use a frame, the target url is not clickable.

12. Avoid fancy Javascript menus. If you use a Javascript menu, provide a html text menu with clickable links at the bottom of your web page. Use include files for Javascripts.

13. Provide 301 redirections if you move your pages or domain after they have been indexed by the search engines. Don’t use meta refresh or other Javascript tricks. Search for the phrase ‘search engine friendly 301 redirect’ in a search engine to get more information on this topic.

14. If you use flash in a page, provide a html version of the page and hide the flash page from the search engine crawler using a robots.txt page.

Keep in mind these simple rules every time you want to launch a website. Spending a few days upfront in the preparation of your site will pay off in the long run with better search engine rankings.

Deepak Dutta

Information Regarding Internet Toolbar Missing

December 24th, 2011 No comments

Just like all the other components of a computer, Internet Explorer can also succumb to malfunction and errors. Some of the possible factors that can make it work inappropriately and inefficiently are missing registrations and damaged files. In order to solve these problems, it is important to learn how to reinstall IE. However, there are certain important things to do before anyone can achieve a successful reinstallation process, namely learning how to backup IE favorites as well as the different steps in uninstalling the program in the first place.

How to Backup your Favorites

For more information on internet toolbar missing click here

Information Regarding Browser Tools Web Browser

November 12th, 2011 No comments

The purpose of Internet Eraser software is to erase selected files, folders, Internet Cache, and/or cookies from your PC without the chances of them being recovered. Internet eraser software is a great utility that cleans up your hard drive from any unwanted files that might jeopardize you as a family man or an honest worker in a company.

Majority of the common people who uses internet are not aware of the fact that whenever they pass through a website, the images are saved in the hard drive in a secret file or folder. Even though one manually deletes these files traces of these files still remains in the hard disk, which can be easily retrieved back with the help of any data recovery programs. So if you wish to erase these unwanted files permanently from the hard disk, you can do so with the help of any internet eraser software programs.

For more information on browser tools web browser click here

Browser Tools Web Browser

November 7th, 2011 No comments

The purpose of Online Eraser computer software is to erase selected files, folders, Online Cache, and/or cookies from your PC with no the probabilities of them getting recovered. Online eraser computer software is a marvelous utility that cleans up your challenging drive from any undesirable files that could possibly jeopardize you as a household man or an honest worker in a provider.

Majority of the normal many people who makes use of online are not conscious of the truth that whenever they pass by way of a webpage, the pictures are saved in the challenging drive in a secret file or folder. Even even though 1 manually deletes these files traces of these files nonetheless remains in the challenging disk, which can be conveniently retrieved back with the support of any information recovery programs. So if you wish to erase these undesirable files permanently from the challenging disk, you can do so with the support of any online eraser computer software programs.

The online eraser computer software assists to take away search history, delete temporary online files, empty recycle bin, take away cookies, and clear online cache. You might possibly think that by just clearing the browser history will clear all the URLs that you had visited. In spite of this this is not correct, all your net browsing activities are stored in the index.dat file. As index.dat file is a technique file, you can not delete it or clear the file particulars manually. Online eraser computer software assists you to delete all the encrypted information and facts stored in the index.dat file. A further important benefit of online eraser computer software is that, the computer software operates properly with just about all famous net browsers. Some of the net browsers supported by online eraser computer software are Online Explorer, Opera, Netscape, and FireFox.

Online eraser computer software is a marvelous computer software plan no matter if you are applying the computer system for home business purpose or just for checking mails or surfing the net. Whatever be the use, you might possibly be applying numerous valuable usernames and passwords for checking mails, web based banking and so on. Applying the online eraser computer software in your technique and cleaning the technique when in a when will make confident that your PC is kept clean and secure from the reach of hackers.

Today, there are a few computer software vendors providing online eraser computer software. Ahead of picking out any certain computer software, make confident that you have devote some time to compare the characteristics of varied online eraser computer software programs and deciding on the 1 which most desirable suits your desires.