
Posts Tagged ‘Tools’

Why is cash so important to a business or should it rely on net income?

February 27th, 2013 2 comments

Why is cash so important to a business, or should it rely on net income? Use the benefits of shortening the cash conversion cycle to explain your answer. What is the best way for a company to increase its free cash flow, or should it just focus on increasing its net income?

The simple answer is – cash is king. A business can generate a ton a revenue, but if its customers do not pay on time regularly, that prevents them from paying vendors & employees timely as well as efficiently reinvest into the business to make it grow. Vendors do not care if your customers are not paying you, they want to be paid and will shut you off if they don’t. That means no inventory or supplies to keep making and selling product, eventually causing the business to fail. By shortening the cash conversion cycle, a business receives the cash back from their investment quicker. The cycle starts with the investment in inventory and labor, and ends when the cash from sales is received. Offering discounts to customers to pay early, negotiating favorable receivable terms, and stretching payments to vendors where possible are all tools to help shorten the cash conversion cycle. The quicker a company gets the cash back, the quicker they can pay off loans (thus saving interest), and reinvest into the business to help make it grow. Without solid cash flow, a business will find themselves borrowing more to keep operations going, but that will only last so long before it becomes insolvent.

What are the best selling items to sell from your own website?

November 25th, 2012 3 comments

I hear that if I can build a website that I can make money doing so. I have NO idea what it is that I should sell that I would have in my house! I don’t have inventory nor do I know HOW to start something like that. I figure if I could build a website and charge 9.99 per person a month or whatever it may be that it could bring in some great income from home! Anybody have any suggestions or some knowledge in this area?


You have a number of questions rolled into one.

First to make an income you would need a hosted site. You need a web host.
They supply all the tools you need, unlimited space, emails, and the best apps to create the site, forum, blogs.
The search engines will find you for whatever your website is about.

Next you put things on your website to generate cash. You can start with Google Adsense. You get little ads to put on your site, if anyone clicks you get a commission.

You can also check out, and
These all involve ads and getting money if someone clicks them.

Then you mentioned membership. If your website has something people are willing to pay for, great, that will work. You just set up user names and logins for those that pay.

But first you need a web host. Its cheap. Only about 40.00

Good Luck

What kind of grants or available for veterans wanting to start a small business?

November 20th, 2012 4 comments

My father in law wants to start his own business doing what he has done for 15 years, he is a veteran of the U.S. Army. Any links with tools for a starting and or maintaining a small business would be greatly appreciated thank you all in advance.

Crossing over from hobby to small business can be tough. It is a nice feather in the cap that he has been doing this for 15 years though. With the proper steps, he will be able to get this from his basement and into the mainstream business market.

He will need to do some heavy research if what he is doing actually has a market to generate income. Employees, taxes etc.. all need to be looked at in depth…

How to Properly Improve Search Engine Rankings

May 25th, 2012 No comments

How a search engine works

In order to get your site listed in search engine results you must first learn how a search engine works, and what makes a website relevant in their eyes. Google is the most popular search engine so I will be explaining google.

The goal of google is to return the most relevant results for its users. If someone is searching for infomation or products and the results that are returned are not useful there not going to continue using that search engine. Therefore google uses many tools to measure the relevancy of a page to certain search terms or keywords. 

The biggest factor that google uses to determine the order in which its search results display is the popularity of the page or site. Google measures website popularity by the number of links from other sites that are pointing to that page. These must be from quality sites however, placing a link to your site in link farms, or directories will not work. The best way to improve your sites backlinks is to email other webmasters with sites similar to yours and offer to pay them to place a link to your site. Only do this two to three times per month, if you gain to many links to fast you may get your sie banned from google.

 Google also measures keyword density, this is the ratio of a certain word or phrase to the total amount of words on the page. It is believed that a keyword density of around 2 percent is best for google. There are many tools on the web that you can use to check your keyword density, just do a google search for keyword density tool.

The most important of all comes once a visitor enters your site from a google search. Google will measure the activity of a visitor once they are on your site. For example if a visitor is on your site for only a few seconds and then leave, google then knows that your site is not relevant to the keyword they used to find your site. You can sign up for google analytics and this will give you some of the same reports that google uses to determine the rank of your site. Learn what each report means and how you can improve them, and you will see a dramatic increase in your page rank.


  • Do proper keyword research and target only the most relevant
  • Check your keywod density and try to keep it below 2%
  • Find sites more popular than  your own, and purchase links once or twice a month
  • Sign up for google analytics and learn what the reports mean and how to improve on them

Kevin Shearin

A Review of the Blogging to the Bank Blogging Income Course

May 23rd, 2012 No comments

Rob Benwell is twenty two years old and earns a six-figure salary from his own home. He owns a 600 thousand dollar house, and three luxury cars, and holidays in the Maldives with his family. He claims that this is all made possible through the medium of blogging.

He claims that only three years ago he was a college dropout with next to no money. With only a one hundred dollars to start out on, he’s managed to make that into a small fortune and has secured his finances for life. Rob Benwell’s Blogging to the Bank blogging income course is a course that anyone can purchase for only $40 and he claims to share all his secrets, so that anyone can be making thousands of dollars every month.

No doubt many people approach such grand schemes with some doubt – if it was so simple to be making hundreds of thousands of dollars from your own computer, then why isn’t everyone doing it? Well, that still remains unknown, and whilst some similar schemes may be promising false hope, Benwell’s Blogging to the Bank blogging income course seems to have something that the others don’t.

When you sign up to the program, you receive lots of information and tools, including methods of getting traffic to your blogs, multiple methods of generating revenue, and a step-by-step blueprint from long term blogging success – that’s just mentioning a few. As an incentive bonus, you’ll also receive some ready-made blog entries so you can get up and running straight away. There’s also a multitude of other programs and tools that are thrown into the package to ensure you have absolutely everything you need to understand how to earn a great income by blogging.

It seems, in order to make the most of this Blogging to the Bank blogging income course, you need to already have an existing blog that you have updated regularly for a long amount of time. It is a common fact that you will have more success if your blog is already well-established and is updated regularly. However, even if you don’t have a blog set up just yet, this program can still accommodate you as it gives you all the information you need to get up and running right away.

The best part is that the creator of the Blogging to the Bank blogging income course, Rob Benwell, gives his own personal guarantee that if the programme doesn’t work for you, then you will be given a complete refund of the $40 that you spent on it. Seems fair, right? If you aren’t making thousands of dollars at the end of the eight-week program, then you’ll be refunded your money and won’t have lost anything, so you really can’t lose.

The scheme seems almost too good to be true, but it is very tempting to give a try. Even if it fails, you have a full money back guarantee, so what have you got to lose?

Brian Garvin

Information Regarding Internet Toolbar Missing

December 24th, 2011 No comments

Just like all the other components of a computer, Internet Explorer can also succumb to malfunction and errors. Some of the possible factors that can make it work inappropriately and inefficiently are missing registrations and damaged files. In order to solve these problems, it is important to learn how to reinstall IE. However, there are certain important things to do before anyone can achieve a successful reinstallation process, namely learning how to backup IE favorites as well as the different steps in uninstalling the program in the first place.

How to Backup your Favorites

For more information on internet toolbar missing click here

Information Regarding Google Search Engine Tools

December 10th, 2011 No comments

Think you know everything about searching with Google? Think again. Believe it or not, there are many tools and features available on Google that can be useful for marketing research as well as wasting time. Learn more below about Google’s coolest features.

What are people saying about your site?

For more information on google search engine tools click here

Information Regarding Google Chrome Tools

November 13th, 2011 No comments

Google has recently launched an improved version of Google Chrome. The said browser has steadily been the most used nowadays because it is way better than its counterparts. Google Chrome boasts of its sleek features, making it faster and stable. The good news is that you can make your Google Chrome browsing experience even better by doing these simple tips:

Put Google Chrome Usage Statistics Out of Action

For more information on google chrome tools click here

Information Regarding Chrome Tools

November 10th, 2011 No comments

Google Chrome is a new browser developed by Google in early September which combines a minimal design to make the web faster, safer and easier. Many people love Google Chrome, however, for some reason some of them still want to uninstall it after trying this new browser. Then, how to uninstall it?

First, you can use its own uninstall file like other programs. Click the Start menu on your computer taskbar.
Select All Programs -> Google Chrome -> Uninstall Google Chrome.
Click the Yes button in the confirmation dialog box.

For more information on chrome tools click here

Firefox Tools

November 7th, 2011 No comments

In todays information and facts age, positive thinking plays a exceptionally critical role in life. Negativities can spread like wild fire these days and the worse factor is that most of us tend to accept and think the negative side of factors. Positive thinking is a exceptionally effective tool considering our minds can manage all our believed processes (each high quality and negative). For this reason, you have the energy to filter the information and facts you get.

If you really feel that you tend to feel negatively, it is time for you to find out to manage your thoughts a bit and shower it with positivity. Considering positive thinking can lead you to a way more content and fulfilled life.

In this post, we are going to share with you some marvelous techniques and approaches you can use to cultivate positive thinking.

Dont forget that you have the energy to manage your thoughts, not the other way round. For this reason, you can play a switching game with your thoughts. Here is how, everytime when you have a negative believed, tell your thoughts to switch it to the positive 1 quickly. This is exceptionally convenient to accomplish, just give order to your thoughts and it will comply.

Surround oneself with positive many people and remain away from negative many people. Negative many people can drag you down to hell so remain far far away from them. Flock oneself together with people who feel positively and appear at factors from the bright side. Each positivity and negativity are exceptionally contagious, so please be exceptionally cautious which 1 you pick out.

There is a saying, Birds of the similar feathers flock together. This saying is so correct. In truth, many people are like birds too. If you surround oneself with negative many people, you will come to be negative. On the other hand, if you surround oneself with positive many people, you will come to be a positive individual. So which 1 are you going to pick out It is up to you!

There is a further marvelous saying goes like this, It is the rather simple factors in life that make me content. For this reason, what you have to have to do to be content and positive is to acquire those rather simple pleasures, no matter how smaller or insignificant they might possibly be. They are yours to delight in.

Laughter is the most desirable medicine, in particular for a heavy heart. Be about many people who make you laugh it is pretty contagious. Laughter is also a high quality therapy for eliminating any negative believed that occupies our thoughts.

Preserve the SMILE in your face. Greet many people with your smile and be courteous type and forgiving. Smile quite often considering it is exceptionally contagious, it also has the energy to make absolutely everyone to lighten up.

Support an individual much less fortunate than oneself. Volunteer your time at a nursing dwelling or hospital. When you give, you get ten-fold.

Dont forget, what you do affects other people. If you are negative, many people will shy away from you. In spite of this if you are positive, you will be surrounded by many people who wish to be in your provider all the time. Positive thinking will breed positive final results.

Exercising on a regular basis, it is a marvelous way to preserve strain at bay. It can also support you sleep improved at night. It is exceptionally valuable that you have adequate rest at night so that you can wake up fresh the subsequent morning with positive power. If you do not have adequate rest at night, you are going to wake up in a grumpy mood the subsequent morning.

Altering your view or your glasses on what is going on about you can make a major distinction. Attempt to see factor from the bright sides. Do not attempt to modify a thing that you have no manage of concentrate your power on the factors that you can modify and strengthen.

We have shared with you a lot of techniques and approaches to support you create positive thinking, we hope you will put them into high quality use.