
Posts Tagged ‘Popularity’

Are Links Important For Search Engine Rankings

March 5th, 2013 4 comments

The amount of quality links pointing to your website determines the popularity of your websites with many of the search engines, so it is very important to obtain quality links. However, you need to know where your website stands in the search engine rankings in order to see how much work you need to do to increase and maintain that popularity rating.

Another way to build links is through free content creation or free article submissions. When creating your website you will need to fill your site with fantastic content and make updates so other sites want to link to your site. Search engines are now smart enough to know that content is related, so, links from relevant sites are more important then links from sites which are irrelevant.

The assumption still is that if a site has valuable content or services to offer that other webmasters will link to that particular site. Most importantly, work on your content for natural linking from other websites. It is hard to get one way links but if you have good content that goes far beyond other sites people will want to link to you, it is still harder to get one way links than it is to get reciprocal links.

Since page rankings is very important to the major search engines, and links influence this, it is important to create a game plan on how to build links to your site. A well laid out plan will help in establishing the overall link plan and strategy to drive traffic to your site. As time goes on your site will grow and your page rank will get better and you will have better chances securing quality links. As you website continues to grow and build in popularity you will need to quality links from other sites pointing to your site to keep your rankings. Link building never stops, if you stop link building and other sites stop linking to you, you could possibly lose your ranking on the search engines.

The amount and quality of links you need will depend on the competitiveness of the keyword phrases for which you are optimizing. If you put in the time and work on your link building efforts over time you will see results in the long run.

Article directories work with many different partners and by writing articles your articles can show up on many different sites. Your best bet in these times is to write articles and submit it to article directories. By using article submission services and directory submission services you are able to increase your ranking to your website, by submitting you are creating one way links back to your site.

Using automated tools are not link farms, the reason for this is because you decide who you want to trade links with each and every week. Continue building quality links and you will see that in time it will all pay off.

Getting the one-way link is more difficult to obtain than reciprocal links, but the pay off will come if you get solid long-term links and you will see the search engine ranking results increase.

David Fishman

Search Engine Optimization Methods Based Advertisement Campaign!

February 15th, 2013 2 comments

The two major brand awareness optimization programs for a web site are PPC and SEO. PPC stands for pay-per-click advertisement whereas the SEO stands for search engine optimization methods. If an advertiser seeks keywords based advertisement campaign, then PPC is the choice of program. For all other purposes, SEO methods work well and with less expenditure than the PPC methods.

Yet, combining Pay Per Click and Search Engine Optimization can be the best combined choice for any web Entrepreneur seeking immediate response to the needs of the online business. The best example of a successful strategy of using it effectively by Leading Tree in creating gigantic traffic and sales has led others to follow suit.

The mix of Search Engine Optimization and Pay-Per-Click has led to create effective brand marketing online. for more detail go to: Brilliant SEO campaigns has led to top organic results, while mixing it with the paid listing created by PPC has made the brand stand out on every searched result page, resulting in the increased respect and gaining trust of the viewers. A new brand will always face initial troubles using just the SEO methods to popularize its name, whereas the PPC will help it take prominent position on the search engine result pages. An online brand, like any offline brand, needs wide exposure to the viewers, and PPC allows the exposure more than the SEO methods. Combining both the Pay Per Click and the Search Engine Optimization techniques helps the brand to take-off to greater heights of popularity and unstoppable traffic to its web site. Its brand name as a keyword gets established quickly through the pay-per-click method.

For any other web sites, the combination of pay-per-click advertisement method and the search engine optimization methods will work equally well. Any web site thrives on exposure and traffic, which are provided by these two methods of web optimization. The PPC method is especially beneficial to the marketing web sites.

SEO and PPC methods are complimentary to each other. The chief objective of both is to drive traffic to the web site. for more detail go SEO methods are primarily free of cost, the PPC advertisement method is a way of buying traffic quickly using relative and targeted keywords. It depends entire upon the needs of a company in deciding which of the two methods of search engine optimization suits them. The search engine optimization actually scores well over the pay per click advertisement optimization method with higher return on investment over longer time. The search engine optimization methods require more time, experience, and efforts compared to the pay-per-click advertisement campaigns requires more focused efforts, expertise, and expenditure.

PPC can also fail greatly due to the fraudulent methods by the competitors of the campaigner. Natural search engine optimization results do not have this disadvantage. While PPC campaign requires constant supervision and fine tuning for better effectiveness. The SEO campaign needs only periodic supervision. A combination of PPC and SEO methods are used by selective web marketing professionals to dominate their markets, and this combination technique is still in its infancy. As the effective use of this combination grows, the online marketing efforts will scale new heights in marketing and presentation technology.

So, the web site can lay its foundation on solid Search Engine Optimization techniques and other methods like link building, and then can also use the pay per click advertisement campaign in short bursts or over a longer time to create an intensely targeted traffic towards it. SEO and PPC are two types of web site promotion tools and both have their advantages and disadvantages while having a single goal of driving traffic to a web site.


SEO New York for a Higher SEO Ranking

October 24th, 2012 4 comments

Internet is a common platform to reach people all over the world, no matter if it is to disseminate information or to offer products and services. However, with umpteen number of websites listed with the search engines, it isn’t possible for each one of them to reach their target audience. So, websites struggle hard to attain the topmost search engine rankings. After all, it is a human tendency to resort to easy alternatives that does not involve much efforts and time.

Professionals offering SEO New York services understand this completely and thereby strive hard to help your website to achieve higher search rankings. There are various factors that determine rankings which are attributed by the search engines to a website. In-depth understanding of the working of web crawlers allows SEO professionals to make amendments or develop a new website in accordance with search engine algorithms.

The designing and content of the website plays a crucial role in the success of a website in achieving a higher SEO ranking. Link building, article submission and appropriate keyword density are some of the SEO techniques that act as the primary tools for professionals who render SEO New York services.

You might be thinking that there are so many search engines, so you might have to incur extra costs to amend your website according to the requirements of web crawlers of each of these search engines. No! You are wrong. Google, Msn, Yahoo and others, the number of search engines might be endless but SEO New York services heroes in on some basic SEO techniques that are appreciated by all the search engines in a similar way. So, you will soon see your website in top rankings of almost all the search engines in affordable rates.

Now, do not let your website be an unknown entity, bring it forth to the popularity of your target audience and let it increase your profit figures soon. However, make sure that you do not get deceived by SEO New York firms that promise you top SEO rankings in a fortnight, as this is not possible by ethical methods. Only black hat techniques can allow a website to achieve a higher SEO ranking but none of the web spiders appreciate such techniques and sooner or later the website is banned.

So, patience, perseverance and hard work of a few months are necessary to get the desired SEO ranking. Also, one thing that must be taken into account is that achieving a higher ranking once is not the end of the game. Constant amendments are to be made in the website so as to maintain that higher ranking once you have achieved it. After all, people log onto the websites to find original and updated information, if your website is able to provide it to them constantly, the traffic on your site will definitely increase in the course of a few months. Hence, this would finally allow you to have a higher ranking of your website with the help of services offered by SEO New York.

Steve Waganer

Seo Methods To Start Search Engine Marketing

June 14th, 2012 2 comments

It will be capable to succeed will solely depend on the efficiency with which it has made use of search engine optimization. You should understand that to enhance the ranking of a website on premier search engines, it is essential that the website your search engine optimized. It improves website traffic both quality and volume wise. To get search engine optimization (SEO) services, you need to look for reputed companies offering SEO services. SEO services are among the most cost effective forms of web marketing which can help you attract quality traffic to your site.

How Search Engine works:

1. Search Engine Visit: The search engine visits your website occasionally or on regular intervals and index new topics on your site and crawl the entire page.

2. Quality of Website: Measure the quality and popularity of your site based on the number and types of links to your site by other website and interlinking with other websites.

3. Search Engine Focus: There are many parameter on which, Search Engine crawler list your web page. Page is crawl according to the site topics, quality, and popularity.

Website development phase on which SE depends are one and you want to get it to the top search engine rankings. SE ranking depends on online web development – which language you have used, flash and animation are used in it or not and many other tools that would be implemented into your website. So, how can you start internet marketing for your website?

Short introduction to Search Engine Marketing

There are two methods for search engine optimizing or marketing.

1. On Page SEO Optimizing: This is most important aspect in SEO to get top ranking in major search engines. On-page search engine optimization strategy is simply very elementary, and foundational. Onsite optimization consists of meta tags (title, the keywords, the description), Robots crawl revisits, and the contents optimization – search engines read the source code of the page as according to your robots txt, the idea that the keyword emphasized and connotes the automatic assumption is that the web page has as its main premise.

2. Off Page SEO Optimizing: In off page, hire seo professionals perform primarily that portion of seo that is performed outside the realm (such as website and directory submission, forum posting, article posting for promotion, RSS feeds, classified, book marking and other organic and inorganic optimization. It is generally a creation or proliferation of inbound links that are themselves optimized for the web pages. The web pages are based on keyword and keyword phrases that work tremendously while searching on the web.

A best SEO services India will help you in on page and off page optimizing. Best SEO company can help us to improve rank in search engines.

cyberThink InfoTech

10 Quick Rules For Better Search Engine Ranking

May 28th, 2012 No comments

If you are setting up a website, follow these simple rules to improve search engine rankings of your site. You can also follow these techniques if your website is not ranked high in search engines for certain keywords. Concentrate on the home page of your site and once you learn the techniques, you will be able to apply them to the other pages of your site that will have multiple high ranking pages.

1. Find keywords (or key phrases) relevant to your website. Go to the overture keyword selector tool (type key phrase overture inventory in Google) and check the popularity of the keywords you want to use. Avoid highly popular keywords. Highly popular keywords are very competitive and the least popular keywords are search engine traffic starved.

Select a dozen keywords and key phrases from the middle of the list. This is a very important exercise and you should spend at least a couple of hours, if not more, researching different keywords. While you are researching your keywords, check your competitors by doing a search in a couple of popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc., using those keywords. Keep a record of your competitors’ urls and other information because you don’t want to waste your time doing the same search again in the near future.

2. Use the keywords you selected into the meta tags of your home page. Meta tags are located in the head section of a web page. Go to one of your competitor’s website and select View and then Source from your web browser’s menu to view the html source of the web page. You will see the meta elements.

The two important meta tags are keywords and description meta tags. Don’t leave them blank. You can list your keywords, separated by comma, in the keywords meta tag. Construct a catchy description using your keywords for the description meta tag.

3. Use the keywords in your title tag. The text you use in the title tag appears in the title bar of the web browser. The title tag should be less than 64 characters long. Again, the key is to use a meaningful title using the keywords. Don’t just make a laundry list of your keywords for the title tag.

The title tag and your meta description may end up in many search engine listings. So, spend sometime to make these two elements interesting, meaningful, and relevant to your site.

4. Use the keywords in top heading (h1) tags of your page. Use one keyword (or a key phrase) for each h1 tag. Use these h1 tags for the headings of your contents.

5. In the home page content, use bold, using the strong html element, to highlight some of your keywords.

6. Italicize some of the keywords in your page.

7. Use the keywords in alt tags of images. You should always use the alt tag for all images.

8. Encourage others to use the keywords for text anchors when they link back to your site. Better yet, publish your own short link text with keyword anchors, bold and italicized key phrases and give it away for link exchanges.

9. If possible, use the keywords in your domain name. Try different arrangements of the keywords to come up with an available domain name that you can register.

10. If you are using php or asp or any other web programming language for your dynamic website, make your url search engine friendly using url rewrite techniques. Search the phrase url rewrite in Google to know more about url rewrite.

Keep in mind these simple rules every time you want to launch a website. Spending a few days upfront in the preparation of your site will pay off in the long run with better search engine rankings.

Kevin Sinclair

How to Properly Improve Search Engine Rankings

May 25th, 2012 No comments

How a search engine works

In order to get your site listed in search engine results you must first learn how a search engine works, and what makes a website relevant in their eyes. Google is the most popular search engine so I will be explaining google.

The goal of google is to return the most relevant results for its users. If someone is searching for infomation or products and the results that are returned are not useful there not going to continue using that search engine. Therefore google uses many tools to measure the relevancy of a page to certain search terms or keywords. 

The biggest factor that google uses to determine the order in which its search results display is the popularity of the page or site. Google measures website popularity by the number of links from other sites that are pointing to that page. These must be from quality sites however, placing a link to your site in link farms, or directories will not work. The best way to improve your sites backlinks is to email other webmasters with sites similar to yours and offer to pay them to place a link to your site. Only do this two to three times per month, if you gain to many links to fast you may get your sie banned from google.

 Google also measures keyword density, this is the ratio of a certain word or phrase to the total amount of words on the page. It is believed that a keyword density of around 2 percent is best for google. There are many tools on the web that you can use to check your keyword density, just do a google search for keyword density tool.

The most important of all comes once a visitor enters your site from a google search. Google will measure the activity of a visitor once they are on your site. For example if a visitor is on your site for only a few seconds and then leave, google then knows that your site is not relevant to the keyword they used to find your site. You can sign up for google analytics and this will give you some of the same reports that google uses to determine the rank of your site. Learn what each report means and how you can improve them, and you will see a dramatic increase in your page rank.


  • Do proper keyword research and target only the most relevant
  • Check your keywod density and try to keep it below 2%
  • Find sites more popular than  your own, and purchase links once or twice a month
  • Sign up for google analytics and learn what the reports mean and how to improve on them

Kevin Shearin

14 Rules To Abide By For Search Engine Traffic

May 6th, 2012 No comments

If you are setting up a website, follow these simple rules to improve search engine rankings of your site. You can also follow these techniques if your website is not ranked high in search engines for certain keywords. Concentrate on the home page of your site and once you learn the techniques, you will be able to apply them to the other pages of your site that will have multiple high ranking pages.

1. Find keywords (or key phrases) relevant to your website. Go to the overture keyword selector tool (type key phrase overture inventory in Google) and check the popularity of the keywords you want to use. Avoid highly popular keywords. Highly popular keywords are very competitive and the least popular keywords are search engine traffic starved.

Select a dozen keywords and key phrases from the middle of the list. This is a very important exercise and you should spend at least a couple of hours, if not more, researching different keywords. While you are researching your keywords, check your competitors by doing a search in a couple of popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc., using those keywords. Keep a record of your competitors’ urls and other information because you don’t want to waste your time doing the same search again in the near future.

2. Use the keywords you selected into the meta tags of your home page. Meta tags are located in the head section of a web page. Go to one of your competitor’s website and select View and then Source from your web browser’s menu to view the html source of the web page. You will see the meta elements.

The two important meta tags are keywords and description meta tags. Don’t leave them blank. You can list your keywords, separated by comma, in the keywords meta tag. Construct a catchy description using your keywords for the description meta tag.

3. Use the keywords in your title tag. The text you use in the title tag appears in the title bar of the web browser. The title tag should be less than 64 characters long. Again, the key is to use a meaningful title using the keywords. Don’t just make a laundry list of your keywords for the title tag.

The title tag and your meta description may end up in many search engine listings. So, spend sometime to make these two elements interesting, meaningful, and relevant to your site.

4. Use the keywords in top heading (h1) tags of your page. Use one keyword (or a key phrase) for each h1 tag. Use these h1 tags for the headings of your contents.

5. In the home page content, use bold, using the strong html element, to highlight some of your keywords.

6. Italicize some of the keywords in your page.

7. Use the keywords in alt tags of images. You should always use the alt tag for all images.

8. Encourage others to use the keywords for text anchors when they link back to your site. Better yet, publish your own short link text with keyword anchors, bold and italicized key phrases and give it away for link exchanges.

9. If possible, use the keywords in your domain name. Try different arrangements of the keywords to come up with an available domain name that you can register.

10. If you are using php or asp or any other web programming language for your dynamic website, make your url search engine friendly using url rewrite techniques. Search the phrase url rewrite in Google to know more about url rewrite.

11. Don’t use frames in your web pages. Many search engines will not crawl framed pages. For a search engine spider to crawl a page, you need a clickable url. When you use a frame, the target url is not clickable.

12. Avoid fancy Javascript menus. If you use a Javascript menu, provide a html text menu with clickable links at the bottom of your web page. Use include files for Javascripts.

13. Provide 301 redirections if you move your pages or domain after they have been indexed by the search engines. Don’t use meta refresh or other Javascript tricks. Search for the phrase ‘search engine friendly 301 redirect’ in a search engine to get more information on this topic.

14. If you use flash in a page, provide a html version of the page and hide the flash page from the search engine crawler using a robots.txt page.

Keep in mind these simple rules every time you want to launch a website. Spending a few days upfront in the preparation of your site will pay off in the long run with better search engine rankings.

Deepak Dutta

Google Adsense is Wonderful Tools in the Popular Google Search Engine

March 6th, 2012 No comments

These days a web business has many great tools in the fight to stay competitive in their field. One of these wonderful tools is the popular Google search engine; they clearly have what it takes to make your web business a success. It is clear that 90 million visitors each and every month can pay testament to this fact. Google is one of the largest search engines on the web today, they have tools employed to ensure this and they have tools to ensure you succeed as well.

What Google does is they take the first few lines on text and incorporate that into the search result when someone punches in your keyword, this is how you develop page rank and popularity. There are traffic monitors available to you when you use the Google service; this is great in knowing when you need to adjust your words to find more traffic. When dealing with Google, it is most important for you to make the first paragraph of your page the biggest impact statement. This is what is going to be seen on the search result by the viewer. For more help visit to: need to ensure that is what they see, impact! This will prompt them to investigate your site. The more views you have to your site, the higher the traffic volume, the more volume, the higher the page ranking and popularity. Google is also unique in the fact that they rank you higher if you have original content on your website. That means original programs, ads, and articles. On the internet content is king and Google does a good job of rewarding you for your efforts

To be original.

A good rule of thumb is have at least 10% of the words you use be keywords with about 300 words being used as the impact paragraph, this is what will be seen first, so you must make it count. There is what is known as spiders (spiders are robots that travel all over the web and index its pages) that constantly view sites, for more detail go to: record content, and pull keywords off of your site to use while indexing. You never know when they will be surfing your site. Google does not want people to cheat so they send their spiders out without warning the public. It is not always the case that they will index your entire site on one trip to it, so you need to ensure that you optimize your pages (the more original content the better). They will always start from the top of the page; this is why it is best to have the most impact near the top of the site. The best method of ensuring that your entire site is crawled on by the spiders is to place your site on Google Sitemaps. Instant updating on the site indexing is one of the great perks that come with the Google Sitemaps.