
Posts Tagged ‘Passwords’

How to Safeguard Against Internet Explorer Vulnerability – December 2008

February 21st, 2013 No comments

A big story in most media at present confrims that Microsoft is desparately seeking a solution to a new problem in all versions Internet Explorer. This ‘vulnerability’ could allow hackers to do various nasty things such as log for passwords, install programs without your knowledge etc. It is said that only about 0.2% of computers are affected at present but if you would like to take precautions, read on:

1.  Make sure your Internet Explorer Security Settings are High

(a) Click on Tools, then from the menu that appears click on Internet Options and then click the Security tab

(b) Now and set Internet security to ‘High’ by sliding the button on the security slider

2.  Restricted User Accounts on your computer

Your PC can be set to run at different levels of security, changing what the computer allows you to do. Many computers have been set up with an ‘Administrator’ account for installing new programs, making system changes etc. and ‘User’ accounts for day to day use. If you have only one account and you don’t have to choose a username when you start using your computer you probably have an ‘Adminstrator’ account. This is very convenient but more prone to hacker activity.

If you are using Vista you will have noticed that some important actions such as installing or running new programs require a prompt from you. This is a safety precaution which is applied even if you are running an administrator account. This precaution does not happen in XP.

If you only have an administrator account, it is recommend that you set up a separate user account with restricted rights for every day use. If you would like to take this precaution and are not familiar with setting up user accounts, you will need to take advice from your computer support technician.

3.  Change your Internet Browser

Internet Explorer is not the only web browser, there are alternatives. Installing and running a new web browser is very straight forward.

John Studd

Delete Search History and Clear Search History Tools

February 12th, 2013 2 comments

With the growing amount of internet hackers popping up all over the world, it is getting much harder to keep your private life private, especially over the internet. It is one thing storing information on your computer and having a family member disrupt your privacy, but it is something totally different when you find out that someone you don’t know took over your identity. Protecting your privacy has just gotten a whole lot easier with the help of a new breed of software, named Internet eraser software. Internet eraser software is coming up in bundles all of the world, a bit like the hackers, only this specially made software is here to help you and will keep you and your family safe.

You might use your PC and the internet for working purposes, or might use the internet for banking, or studying, or chatting, or viewing certain web sites. The truth is that most of the sites you log into nowadays need personal passwords, especially your internet banking site, some sites need your social security number, date of birth, place of residence and things like that. What is really scary is that all the information you enter on your keyboard gets stored in files on your computer and if a hacker knows what he or she is doing, they can get all your information from those files, without you knowing anything. This is where internet eraser software comes handy.

This state of the art software can be preconfigured to erase any information instantly, as soon as it is used, so there is no trace of private information on your computer after you are done using it and there is no need to remember to delete your private information, as it is all automatic. Most internet eraser software also has options, which allow the user to manually erase information recorded or stored in the computer. So with this feature you can permanently delete unwanted files such as erase cache folder, clear history of the tracks of site visited from your computer.

Most internet eraser software also comes with a built in shredder feature, which has been a very popular feature because it allows you to instantly shred all unwanted files that you can’t leave lying around on your hard drive. When you delete a file from your hard drive that file is still available on your hard drive, only it is covered by other files, but it can be retrieved with the right internet eraser software. The shredder feature on the internet eraser software gets rid of the file to the point where it is virtually impossible to retrieve.

Some other internet eraser software sports features like stealth mode, cookie manager, scheduling and emergency key, which gives you everything you need in one small, easy to use package. So don’t run the risk of getting your identity stolen from under your nose, get internet eraser software and keep your identity a secret. You have everything to lose if you don’t act now.

Sam Roberts

Erase Internet History and Internet History Eraser Tools

February 9th, 2013 3 comments

In this modern world of technology, practically everyone is a computer for some reason or the other. Computers are today used not only for education and research; it is also a great means of communication. It is now possible to reach people across the world within a matter of minutes with electronic mail, online chat and web conferencing. However, much advantageous the internet is to a person; it has its share of disadvantages too.

The main disadvantage that the internet poses to the computer is the recording of unwanted pictures, images, websites and URLs in hidden files in the computer. It is highly probable for a visitor of a porn site to have illicit pictures getting recorded in the computer, which proves to be troublesome if it falls in the hands of children and wrong people.

The best thing that has to be done to prevent all this is to have an internet eraser software installed in the computer. With the installation of the right internet eraser software, the computer can be scanned for unwanted files which are then removed. The files can be deleted manually or the user can set options for deleting these unwanted files automatically by the internet eraser software. Besides this, your sensitive information stored in the computer such as passwords, bank account number, and social security number are also protected by this internet eraser software.

This is because no unwanted matter gets recorded in the computer when there is internet eraser software in the computer. With the internet eraser software, you can opt to delete the internet history files one by one instead of deleting all the IE internet history files. This is because sometimes it is rather convenient to have the IE auto complete URLs in the browser. Here you just have to type the first or second letter in the URL instead of the whole name to visit the site.

With the presence of internet eraser software in the computer, it is possible to have the computer scanned for porn related tracks. Some porn addicts have a habit of visiting porn sties rather frequently. There is a possibility of unwanted pictures falling in the hands of wrong people. This can be prevented by the internet eraser software.

There are many different types of internet eraser software available in the internet. It is all up to you to choose the internet eraser software you would like to have installed in your computer. With the right internet eraser software installed in your PC, you are sure of the safety of your computer.

Sam Roberts

Google Browser Tools

November 7th, 2011 No comments

Whenever a computer system user accesses the online, records of their activity are automatically stored on their PC. This information and facts could possibly incorporate the key phrases they have searched for, pages they have visited and even the information they have entered into web based types. For users wishing to preserve specific activities away from prying eyes, the most famous online browsers have now introduced In Private browsing which presents users a way to cease the most apparent traces of activity from getting stored.

Microsoft Online Explorer 8 introduced this in the form of Inprivate browsing, when Google Chrome presents an Incognito mode and the soon to be released Mozilla Firefox three.1 presents Private Browsing. In Online Explorer 8, the feature operates by either stopping information and facts from getting made or by automatically deleting it when the user has finished browsing. For example, history entries, which preserve a record of the pages visited, are not made and form information and passwords are not stored.

In spite of this, cookies, which deliver web-sites with specific web-site-precise information and facts about the user such as shopping cart contents, are stored as session cookies meaning that they are cleared when the browser is closed. In Google Chrome, Incognito mode presents comparable characteristics, as net pages visited and files downloaded are not recorded, and all cookies are deleted when the Incognito window is closed .

When such characteristics might possibly afford a degree of privacy from other users, each Microsoft and Google have stressed that the modes are not developed to hide user activity from computer system forensic professionals or security specialists. In truth, just after a round of testing, Dutch computer system forensic professional Christian Prickaerts deemed the privacy afforded by Online Explorer 8s Inprivate browsing feature to be purely cosmetic, and warned that it should certainly not be confused with anonymous net surfing.

In truth, the security supplied by Inprivate mode is primarily aimed at neighborhood level online information and facts, so that information relating to a users online activity might possibly nonetheless be stored by the visited web-sites, the Online Service Provider or the network administrator in the case of online cafes or corporate workspaces.

In addition, when entries are not created into the browsers History file, particulars of net pages visited are nonetheless left intact in other places of the computers registry and cache data, which contains pictures and other information and facts that IE shops to speed up browser occasions, is also left untouched. Such information is frequently conveniently accessible with computer system forensic computer software, even if it has been deleted manually.

For dwelling users then, the In Private feature presents a valuable way to preserve information and facts private from other users who are unlikely to deliberately pry, but for online cafe users the feature should certainly not be regarded to present important further security. As such, it should certainly not be regarded a replacement for other types of online security and the similar level of caution should certainly be exercised with regard to the variety of information accessed from public places.

For firms operating corporate networks, it is valuable to assure that systems administrators are conscious of the feature, due to the fact In Private browsing might possibly take away the way more apparent traces of wrongdoing. But for the time getting at least, the feature presents no important barrier to a prosperous investigation if computer system misuse is suspected.