Communication has never been any easier than this with the advent of the internet. It is now possible to contact people from across the world in a matter of minutes using electronic mail. It is possible to share photos with other people across the world. However there are some problems that arise with the use of the internet; the main being that unwanted images and files may get recorded in secret files of the computer.
The best thing to do to rectify this problem would be to install internet eraser software to the computer. With the help of this internet eraser software, it is possible for you to clear the browser of all internet history, address bars and cookies. However, if you prefer to retain some of the URLs that you had visited, it is possible to clear only the URLs you want to be removed from the browser.
All junk and duplicate files found in the computer can be erased using internet eraser software. And if there are any people having porn addiction problems, who wish to clear all the porn sites and images seen can do so using internet eraser software. This is very useful in a house where it can prevent children from accidentally coming across these sites while using the computer.
With the help of the internet eraser software, it is possible to disable the IE AutoComplete and Auto Suggest option that is found in the computer. This feature prevents IE from completing an URL that occurs on the typing of only a few letters of the address bar. If you want to be sure that all cookies found in the computer are cleared, it can be done using internet eraser software. Some cookies may be good, but there are also bad cookies that only cause problems to you with its presence in the computer.
When you download internet eraser software in the computer, you are usually provided with updates on the software for the lifetime of the software. With this, you are sure that you have the latest updates in your software, where maximum protection will be provided to you and the computer using the internet eraser software. In addition to this, the internet eraser software can be used for as long as you need in the computer. There is no limit to the number of times you use the internet eraser software to provide the necessary protection to your computer. The internet eraser software is indeed a software worth, and needed to be invested in.
Sam Roberts
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