Home > Browser Tools > Tool bar at the top of the page disappeared. How do I get it back?

Tool bar at the top of the page disappeared. How do I get it back?

In my browser, the tool bar has disappeared. It comes back when I run my cursor to the very top of the page. However, I don’t want it this way – I want it back to normal. I guess I mistakenly hit a wrong button. How do I return it back to normal?

You have hit the F11 key, which sends it into full screen view. Just press the F11 key again to return it to normal view


  1. Dew
    April 23rd, 2013 at 00:59 | #1

    if you’re using firefox.
    try right clicking in the (FILE EDIT VIEW HISTORY…..) line
    and choose which toolbar that’s gone.
    References :

  2. Gary
    April 23rd, 2013 at 01:29 | #2

    You have hit the F11 key, which sends it into full screen view. Just press the F11 key again to return it to normal view

    References :

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