
Archive for February, 2013

Why is cash so important to a business or should it rely on net income?

February 27th, 2013 2 comments

Why is cash so important to a business, or should it rely on net income? Use the benefits of shortening the cash conversion cycle to explain your answer. What is the best way for a company to increase its free cash flow, or should it just focus on increasing its net income?

The simple answer is – cash is king. A business can generate a ton a revenue, but if its customers do not pay on time regularly, that prevents them from paying vendors & employees timely as well as efficiently reinvest into the business to make it grow. Vendors do not care if your customers are not paying you, they want to be paid and will shut you off if they don’t. That means no inventory or supplies to keep making and selling product, eventually causing the business to fail. By shortening the cash conversion cycle, a business receives the cash back from their investment quicker. The cycle starts with the investment in inventory and labor, and ends when the cash from sales is received. Offering discounts to customers to pay early, negotiating favorable receivable terms, and stretching payments to vendors where possible are all tools to help shorten the cash conversion cycle. The quicker a company gets the cash back, the quicker they can pay off loans (thus saving interest), and reinvest into the business to help make it grow. Without solid cash flow, a business will find themselves borrowing more to keep operations going, but that will only last so long before it becomes insolvent.

3 Basic Steps to Search Engine Optimization

February 27th, 2013 6 comments

Search engine optimization or SEO, is the art and science of making your websites pages appear attractive to the search engines. The better optimized your webpages are, the higher the ranking it will receive from a search engines web crawlers and spiders. The higher it ranks, the more traffic your website will receive. The more traffic your website receives, of course, the more profit you will be able to generate. The key to all of this is good Internet search engine optimization.

Why is having a high ranking website so important to the future success of your online business? Studies have shown that consumers seldom view websites that don’t rank a spot on of the first two pages the search engines displays. Websites that receive a ranking that places them on the third page (or any other page subsequent to that) see a significantly lower amount of traffic at their websites then one that is ranked on the second page. There is even a staggering difference between the first and second page. In the world of e-commerce ranking and strong search engine optimization is paramount.

At first, search engine optimization may feel like trying to rappel down the Grand Canyon. There is a huge scary world full of big words like web crawlers, PageRank, Meta tags, and algorithms. You may have never heard of any of these things. A quick internet search of the world algorithm doesn’t help; all you may get is a printout of strange symbols and numbers arranged in complex algebraic equations.

Sit back, take a deep breath, and try to relax. Search engine optimization is much more simple then you may think.

Algorithms really are every bit as complex as they look. Simply defined they are a finite set of carefully defined instructions. Most, if not all, computer programs are designed with strict algorithms.

PageRank is simply the program Google designed to search, index, and rank it registered webpage’s. PageRank operates on a link analysis algorithm. PageRank is credited for Google incredible success.

Web crawlers are tools search engines use to browse the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner. When web crawlers are browsing websites they are looking for algorithms.

Meta tags are special HTML tags that provide information to about a web page. Meta tags are written directly into the title tag and are only visible to the search engine.

The reality of search engine optimization is that you can start to optimize your website without any knowledge at all of the technical stuff involved in search engine optimization. Simply stated the very first step in designing a website that is going to be well ranked by the search engines is to create a content rich site. What this means is that you must cram as much information about your product into your website as you possibly can.

The third step to search engine optimization is to fill your site with keywords that will attract the web crawler’s attention. The final step in a wonderfully optimized website is to submit it to the search engine that will compliment it.

Lastly, there is Link Popularity. What is this link popularity anyway, and why do you need it? Link popularity is a score that is accessed to a web site based on how many external and internal links are pointing or linking to any particular page. External links would include those that come from any other web site other than your own whereas internal links would be those that come from within the same domain name. Link popularity is also based not only on the quantity of links but the quality of those links as well. Therefore, to have a good link popularity score, it is not necessarily required to have a large number of links pointing to your site but rather a good number of quality links.

Pj Germain

SEO Blunders

February 27th, 2013 5 comments

1. Selecting the wrong/irrelevant keywords – This is the most frequent mistake ommitted by people. Not only an average SEO guy but an experienced SEO person may also commit this mistake. While choosing keywords we can:

• Study competitor’s website

• Use various keyword extraction tools

• Conduct brainstorming sessions with the client or with the SEO team

But above stated methods are fine till we don’t work with any kind of pre-assumptions. When choosing keywords we must be very cautious that we extract and use keywords from user’s perspective and not what we think for our website. Suppose, we provide web design services and we are choosing keyphrases for our company’s website. Now we must use all the strategies to extract keywords but use them if they fit in from users’ point of view. If we are located in San Francisco then we must use keyphrase like “web design San Francisco” which a user is more likely to use and also helps in local optimization and not “website design firm” which is more generic and competitive.

2. Ignoring the Title tag – Most people don’t use this tag and if they use then they don’t pay attention to the usage. They simply put company’s name in the title of every page. The title tag is quite important from SEO point of view. We must create unique title for every page and it must be relevant to the content of the page. Moreover, whenever we search for anything on the search sites such as Google, Yahoo!, AOL etc we click the result which has most of our keywords/keyphrases in the title as well as description. The reason behind it is that we can’t peep into the results and see where we will land. We go by the title and description. The one which is most descriptive is more likely to be clicked. Therefore we must make our title and description as descriptive as possible.

3. Content without/misplaced keywords – It’s a common saying in SEO world that “Content is King”. But do you know how the content is king? The content becomes king when it satisfies all the queries of the website visitor and makes the website rank higher in search results. But how to achieve higher search results with content? When we talk of content then our keywords/keyphrases must be strategically placed so that the content looks natural and at the same time helps SEO. The keywords/keyphrases must not be stuffed as it will result in spamming. The ideal keyword density must be 5-7%.

4. Excessive use of images – Images make our website look better but excessive usage makes our website heavier. One common mistake is to use button images for links. Links must be textual as crawlers won’t index the images but can easily read the text. But images can’t be done away with as they are indispensable part of a website. To make images bit SEO friendly, all the images must have ALT tags which define what the image stands for.

5. Ignoring h1 tag – Crawlers attach importance to h1 tag but most of the time people forget to use it or they overuse it. H1 must be used to mark most important keyword/keyphrase on the page and not the whole sentence or paragraph.

6. Ignoring revamping and maintenance – Many people believe that SEO once done and results achieved is SEO finished. But it is not the case. There are thousands of people like me and you doing SEO for related keywords/keyphrases. Once we achieve respectable ranking then we have to work hard to maintain it. SEO requires lots and lots of maintenance. SEO for any website will continue till the website is online.

7. Quick SEO – Many people or business guarantee quick SEO results which is not at all true. SEO requires loads of patience. The motive of search sites is to provide user with the best result. In order to do so they have hundreds of parameters being updated regularly to provide quality results.

8. Ignoring domain name – Domain name is quite important from SEO point of view. The website owner must try to get such domain name which is related to the product or service being offered by the website. If such a domain is not available then the naming of the pages should be done in such a way so that they incorporate keywords.

9. Excessive use of Flash & Javascript – Flash and Javascript do make a website look much better but they greatly compromise the SEO value as these are not crawled by the robots. If necessary they must be minimal or with a HTML alternative.

10. Using Frames – Though frames have become obsolete but sometimes webmasters use them for some or the other purpose. Frames must not be used at all. The reason for this is that when we use frames our different webpages are different for users but not for search engines. All the pages have same URL and the same URL will not be indexed again and again.

Shailendra Sial

Top 10 Search Engine Positioning Mistakes

February 27th, 2013 3 comments

When it comes to web site search engine positioning, there are certain common mistakes that I see people making over and over again. Here’s a list of the 10 most common mistakes that I see people making. By avoiding these mistakes, you can avoid a lot of anguish and frustration in the long run.
1) Optimizing your site for the wrong keywords

The first step in any search engine optimization campaign is to choose the keywords for which you should optimize your site. If you initially choose the wrong keywords, all the time and effort that you devote in trying to get your site a high ranking will go down the drain. If you choose keywords which no one search for, or if you choose keywords which won’t bring in targeted traffic to your site, what good will the top rankings do?

In order to learn how you can choose the correct keywords for which you should optimize your site, see my article on this topic here:

2) Putting too many keywords in the Meta Keywords tag

I often see sites which have hundreds of keywords listed in the Meta Keywords tag, in the hope that by listing the keywords in the Meta Keywords tag, they will be able to get a high ranking for those keywords. Nothing could be further from the truth. Contrary to popular opinion, the Meta Keywords tag has almost completely lost its importance as far as search engine positioning is concerned. Hence, just by listing keywords in the Meta Keywords tag, you will never be able to get a high ranking. To get a high ranking for those keywords, you need to put the keywords in the actual body content of your site.

3) Repeating the same keyword too many times

Another common mistake that people make is to endlessly repeat their target keywords in the body of their pages and in their Meta Keywords tags. Because so many people have used this tactic in the past (and continue to use it), the search engines keep a sharp lookout for this, and may penalize a site which repeats keywords in this fashion. Sure, you do need to repeat the keywords a number of times. But, the way you place the keywords in your pages needs to make grammatical sense. Simply repeating the keywords endlessly no longer works. Furthermore, a particular keyword should ideally not be present more than thrice in your Meta Keywords tag.

4) Creating lots of similar doorway pages

Another myth prevalent among people is that since the algorithm of each search engine is different, they need to create different pages for different search engines. While this is great in theory, it is counter-productive in practice. If you use this tactic, you will soon end up with hundreds of pages, which can quickly become an administrative nightmare. Also, just imagine the amount of time you will need to spend constantly updating the pages in response to the changes that the search engines make to their algorithms. Furthermore, although the pages are meant for different engines, they will actually end up being pretty similar to each other. The search engines are often able to detect when a site has created such similar pages, and may penalize or even ban this site from their index. Hence, instead of creating different pages for different search engines, create one page which is optimized for one keyword for all the search engines. In order to learn how to create such pages, see my article on this topic here:

5) Using Hidden Text

Hidden text is text with the same color as the background color of your page. For example, if the background color of your page is white and you have added some white text to that page, that is considered as hidden text. Many webmasters, in order to get high rankings in the search engines, try to make their pages as keyword rich as possible. However, there is a limit to the number of keywords you can repeat in a page without making it sound odd to your human visitors. Thus, in order to ensure that the human visitors to a page don’t perceive the text to be odd, but that the page is still keyword rich, many webmasters add text (containing the keywords) with the same color as the background color. This ensures that while the search engines can see the keywords, the human visitors cannot. The search engines have long since caught up with this technique, and ignore or penalize the pages which contain such text. They may also penalize the entire site if even one of the pages in that site contain such hidden text.

However, the problem with this is that the search engines may often end up penalizing sites which did not intend to use hidden text. For instance, suppose you have a page with a white background and a table in that page with a black background. Further suppose that you have added some white text in that table. This text will, in fact, be visible to your human visitors, i.e. this shouldn’t be called hidden text. However, the search engines can interpret this to be hidden text because they may often ignore the fact that the background of the table is black. Hence, in order to ensure that your site is not penalized because of this, you should go through all the pages in your site and see whether you have inadvertently made any such mistake.

6) Creating Pages Containing Only Graphics

The search engines only understand text – they don’t understand graphics. Hence, if your site contains lots of graphics but little text, it is unlikely to get a high ranking in the search engines. For improving your rankings, you need to replace the graphics by keyword rich text for the search engine spiders to feed on.

7) Not using the NOFRAMES tag in case your site uses frames

Many search engines don’t understand frames. For sites which have used frames, these search engines only consider what is present in the NOFRAMES tag. Yet, many webmasters make the mistake of adding something like this to the NOFRAMES tag: “This site uses frames, but your browser doesn’t support them”. For the search engines which don’t understand frames, this is all the text that they ever get to see in this site, which means that the chances of this site getting a good ranking in these search engines are non-existent. Hence, if your site uses frames, you need to add a lot of keyword rich text to the NOFRAMES tag. For more information on the different issues that arise when you use frames in your site, see my article on this topic here.

8) Using Page Cloaking

Page cloaking is a technique used to deliver different web pages under different circumstances. People generally use page cloaking for two reasons: i) in order to hide the source code of their search engine optimized pages from their competitors and ii) in order to prevent human visitors from having to see a page which looks good to the search engines but does not necessarily look good to humans. The problem with this is that when a site uses cloaking, it prevents the search engines from being able to spider the same page that their users are going to see. And if the search engines can’t do this, they can no longer be confident of providing relevant results to their users. Thus, if a search engine discovers that a site has used cloaking, it will probably ban the site forever from their index. Hence, my advice is that you should not even think about using cloaking in your site. For more information on what page cloaking is, how it is implemented, and why you should not use cloaking, see my article on this topic here.

9) Using Automatic Submission Tools

In order to save time, many people use an automatic submission software or service to submit their sites to the major search engines. It is true that submitting your site manually to the search engines takes a lot of time and that an automatic submission tool can help you save a lot of time. However, the search engines don’t like automatic submission tools and may ignore your pages if you use them. In my opinion, the major search engines are simply too important for you not to spend the time to submit your site manually to them. In order to speed up the process of submitting your site, you can use our free submission tool which allows you to submit your site manually to all the search engines, without having to go to the “ADD URL” pages of the individual engines. It is available here.

10) Submitting too many pages per day

People often make the mistake of submitting too many pages per day to the search engines. This often results in the search engines simply ignoring many of the pages which have been submitted from that site. Ideally, you should submit no more than 1 page per day to the search engines. While many search engines accept more than 1 page per day from a particular domain, there are some which only accept 1 page per day. Hence, by limiting yourself to a maximum of one page per day, you ensure that you stay within the limits of all the search engines.

Sortins Technologies

Should I Use SEO Software? (part 1)

February 27th, 2013 5 comments

Search engine optimisation can be a laborious job that is why there are several tools out there to make your life easier but is their any substitute for human intervention? In this article I will go over some search engine optimisation software and tools and discuss the pros and cons of each. As I have said there are many available but automating your SEO can be dangerous as every website is different and some of the advice these tools give you can be of little help.

Directory submission software

Many webmasters feel submitting to lots of directories can help their website rank better. Unfortunately submitting to web directories can be time consuming as you have to first best identify the most suited category to your website. You then have To manually type your website title, description and keyphrases in to the web form before submitting. So to do this on a large scale can take a long time. However there is help with directory submission software, what this software will do is automatically fill in you’re the directories submission form.

All you need to do is set up the form details in advance and the software will fill in the details. The problem arises where you have to select a category as every directory has different names for their categories there are no way to automatically do this. I have seen claims by some software that it can do this for you but I don’t believe that is truly achievable. So in conclusion you can purchases software that can cut don’t the time it takes to submit to directories but there is no way at present to do it fully automatically.

Article submission software

The same applies to articles submission as it does to directories however the same problems arise but you should really only submit your article to one directory as duplicate content issues will arise and most article directories want the articles that they are displaying to be original so the best approach to this is just doing it manually. Although there is software available to do this but I would recommend against it for the above reasons.

Hiring a search engine optimisation company can help with choosing the best tools for your website design and they can do all the hard work for you.

This is the end of part one look out for part 2 coming very soon where I will discuss ranking checker software, Pagerank checker software and a few more besides.

Mr Hanna

Easy Profits Using PPC In Your Affiliate Marketing Business

February 27th, 2013 3 comments

PPC is one of the four basic types of Search Engines. PPC is also one of the most cost-effective ways of targeted internet advertising. According to Forbes magazine, PPC or Pay Per Click, accounts to 2 billion dollars a year and is expected to increase to around 8 billion dollars by the year 2008.

Let us take a quick look at how PPC Search Engines work.

These engines create listings and rate them based on a bid amount the website owner is willing to pay for each click from that search engine. Advertisers bid against each other to receive higher ranking for a specific keyword or phrase.

The highest bidder for a certain keyword or phrase will then have the site ranked as number 1 in the PPC Search Engines followed by the second and third highest bidder, up to the last number that have placed a bid on the same keyword or phrase. Your ads then will appear prominently on the results pages based on the dollar amount bid you will agree to pay per click.

How do you make money by using PPC into your affiliate marketing business?

Most affiliate programs only pay when a sale is made or a lead delivered after a visitor has clickthrough your site. Your earnings will not always be the same as they will be dependent on the web site content and the traffic market.

The reason why you should incorporate PPC into your affiliate marketing program is that earnings are easier to make than in any other kind of affiliate program not using PPC. This way, you will be making profit based from the clickthroughs that your visitor will make on the advertiser’s site. Unlike some programs, you are not paid per sale or action.

PPC can be very resourceful of your website. With PPC Search Engines incorporated into your affiliate program, you will be able to profit from the visitor’s who are not interested in your products or services. The same ones who leave your site and never comes back.

You will not only get commissions not only from those who are just searching the web and finding the products and services that they wanted but you will be able to build your site’s recognition as a valuable resource. The visitors who have found what they needed from you site are likely to come back and review what you are offering more closely. Then they will eventually come back to search the web for other products.

This kind of affiliate program is also an easy way for you to generate some more additional revenues. For example, when a visitor on your site does a search in the PPC Search Engine and clicks on the advertiser bided listings, the advertisers’ account will then be deducted because of that click. With this, you will be compensated 30% to 80% of the advertisers’ bid amount.

PPC is not only a source of generating easy profits; it can also help you promote your own site. Most of the programs allow the commissions received to be spent for advertising with them instantly and with no minimum earning requirement. This is one of the more effective ways to exchange your raw visitors for targeted surfers who has more tendencies to purchase your products and services.

What will happen if you when you integrate PPC into your affiliate program?

PPC usually have ready-to-use affiliate tools that can be easily integrated into your website. The most common tools are search boxes, banners, text links and some 404-error pages. Most search engines utilize custom solutions and can provide you with a white-label affiliate program. This enables you, using only a few lines of code, to integrate remotely-hosted co-branded search engine into your website.

The key benefits? Not only more money generated but also some extra money on the side. Plus a lifetime commissions once you have referred some webmaster friends to the engine.

Think about it. Where can you get all these benefits while already generating some income for your site? Knowing some of the more useful tools you can use for your affiliate program is not a waste of time. They are rather a means of earning within an earning.

Best know more about how you can use PPC search engines into your affiliate program than miss out on a great opportunity to earn more profits.

Gaetane Ross

The Power Of The Internet Search Engine Never Ceases To Amaze Me

February 27th, 2013 8 comments

If you think about it, the computer has completely changed our world. Infinite things that we used to do outside of the home are now accomplished in cyberspace. The convenience is outstanding. With the speed of cable Internet we are able to watch movie trailers, download music, and make quick business transactions with hardly any effort. How often do you pop open an Internet search engine on any given day? Well, if you’re like most of us, probably a lot. The information, photos, downloads, and products that can be found through an Internet search engine are phenomenal. These trusty digital tools have become part of our daily lives.

I recall the first time I popped open an Internet search engine. I wasn’t exactly computer savvy at the time. I had just heard that I could look up anything I wanted. It’s amazing how these websites can take us on a ride to places around the world. In cyberspace, travel is so quick and inexpensive. With the number of Internet search engines at your beck and call, you’re surely to locate whatever you desire. From Yahoo to Google, and Lycos to AskJeeves, the list of Internet search engines is rather profound.

With the Internet, we are clearly able to shop for any and all products. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for baby supplies or rare Baseball cards, the World-Wide-Web will provide you with some results to tickle your fancy. After testing out a number of Internet search engines in college, I honestly found Google to be the most helpful. When researching literature and historical writers for papers, Google typically came up with the best results. I’m sure that each Internet search engine has something substantial to offer a variety of people and needs. I found that it is wise to take advantage of various Internet search engines when doing an important search. You may find that some have additional sites to offer.

When it comes to the Internet, you can’t lose. These magnificent innovations have certainly made life a great deal easier for all of us. If you don’t typically browse the web, hop online and see what you can find. There is a whole cyberspace out there that can put you in touch with places around the globe. Once you find that perfect Internet search engine, anything is possible. There are too many incredible things at your fingertips, not to give it a try.

John Mailer

Search Engine Optimization – Off Page – Part1

February 27th, 2013 No comments

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a science of sorts that will enable you to ensure a very prominent position for your website in the search engines results pages (SERPs). And since 80% of your traffic would come from the search engines, SEO methods take on a critical importance in the success of your online endeavor. Many website owners just put up a website and add content an call it a day. They than wonder why, they never have any consistant traffic comming to their website. Let`s tak about SEO. There are two kinds of SEO, on page and off page.

This article will tackle the latter.
Off page SEO is all about the things you could to get a high page rank (PR) for your website after it has already gone live. These are the things which you actually execute outside the pages of your website, hence the name of this type of SEO Optimization.

What are these steps?
Well, all of them are concerned with building your link popularity. Your link popularity represents the number of back links your website has. To check you websites current link popularity, head over to and use the free tool that can be found there. The higher your link popularity, the higher your PR will be.

Building your link popularity involves increasing the number of websites that will link to yours. This is easier said than done. It is not a matter of getting reciprocal links like “you link to mine and I will link to yours.” Google, in particular, despise reciprocal linking. You have to get unilateral or one way links to your website.

The best way to do this is by ensuring that you have unique, highly informative content. Really, this is the number one strategy to invite websites to link to yours. But your content in the realm of on page SEO, and it is assumed that you have made all efforts to ensure great content. Makes perfect sense right? Write good content and people will like you for it.

What are the other ways by which you could build your link popularity? Try the following techniques:

* Article marketing. There are thousands of article directories on the Internet. You could submit articles to these websites. For every submission, you will be allotted a resource box where you can introduce yourself and share a link to your website. Now, some of these article directories have high page ranks. If your articles are accepted, they will be included in their pages. Having a website with high PR linking to yours would go a long way in increasing your own page rank. Additionally, if you will submit just one article to a thousand directories, you would have a thousand pages linking to your website! Sounds like a daunting task? There are article directory submission services available such as Isnare and Article Marketer. They make the whole process so much easier. For a small investment, they will submit your articles to 100`s of directories and more.

* Forum marketing. There are online communities dedicated to the audience that your website is serving. Seek them out, then join them. You will be allotted a signature box, which would appear in every post. In your signature box or “sig file”, you will leave a link to your website. Then post as many significant messages as you could. For every post you make, you will have a page linking to your website.

* About using anchor text. This is vital if you are targeting specific keywords and phrases to be found for in the search engines.

Format all of your keywords into active links.
Your link becomes active for those keywords and the search engines like that. Try to change up your anchored link text frequently so the Search Engines view it as a natural process.

* Advertise at . Now here is a novel strategy. The website is a well known classifieds website with a PR7 score. A PR7 score is rarely high! To have a link in a website like this would give a tremendous boost to your own website. Simply go to that site and choose the category that your pages belong to, then post your advertisement, with your link of course. It does not matter that no one would get to read it. What matters is that the search engine spiders would find your website as they would come from a PR7 site.

* Look for partners who are willing to include your list in their pages. The easiest way to do this is to use the free tool at

* Try triangular linking. Google despises reciprocal linking, but triangular linking is one way of going around this limitation. Look for two or more webmasters who are willing to give it a shot. Webmaster A could post a link to Webmaster B`s website in his own pages. Webmaster B can post a link to Webmaster C`s website in his own pages. And webmaster C can post a link to Webmaster A`s website in his own pages.

LinkMetro, LinkMarket and EzLink System are great free resources for finding literally 1000`s of link partners. Go ahead and check them out.

Chris Peterson

Free Web Site Traffic Will not Blow your Budget

February 27th, 2013 10 comments

If you are looking for a way to grow your web site traffic without blowing your budget, perhaps you should look to the free traffic exchanges. Traffic exchanges are basically surfing membership opt-in sites on the web where they will display your advertisement or webpage to other members when they are surfing the site.

Traffic exchanges provide a free traffic and advertising method where a person signs up as a member and sets up a webpage URL to advertise his/her program or product. The traffic exchange will then rotate the URL webpage to its members based upon the amount of surfing you do. In general, traffic exchanges provide a ratio of 0.6:1.0 for each page surfed by a free member. This means that for every page you surf, you get 0.6 page credit for surfing. A few of them provide a 1:1 ratio for free members. Depending on the amount you surf, they may also credit you with bonus credits (i.e., 500 bonus credits for surfing “x” number of pages). Page rotations are timed and the time varies from 10 seconds to 30 seconds, depending on the traffic exchange.

Most traffic exchanges also provide a paid “upgraded membership” (a small monthly fee) which will give you a higher credit ratio and other incentives when you surf.

Ezine Article

There are two other advertising tools provided by most traffic exchanges which are beneficial to a website owner. These tools are a referral link to the traffic exchange site and a Safe List advertising option.

1. If you promote the Referral Link, and others join the Traffic Exchange through your referral link, you will receive page view credits when your referrals surf.

2. You can utilize traffic exchange Safe Lists to send your email ads to the Safe List members of that traffic exchange.

You should know that both manual and auto-surf traffic exchanges are available to work with:

Manual Traffic Exchanges — Manual traffic exchanges generally have a 15 to 30 second timer and you have to click on an icon or text area after the timer runs out to rotate to the next traffic exchange page for viewing. This is done to assure that the pages get viewed by the user. The manual traffic exchanges usually provide a better credit ratio per page than auto-surf traffic exchanges. Manual traffic exchange advertising will get a better click ratio on your ads compared to the auto-surf.

Auto-surf Traffic Exchanges — Auto-surf traffic exchanges usually have a 5 to 15 second timer and the page views rotate automatically at the end of the timer run out. The auto-surf traffic exchanges usually provide a 0.6:1 credit ratio for surfing. The advantage of the auto-surf rotation is that the user does not have to click once or twice for each page viewed and more page view credits are accumulated as the timer is shorter and allows more page views per minute.

You can cut down on your surfing time by using a free multi-tabbed browser (i.e., Mozilla, Firefox, Crazy Browser).

Traffic exchange advertising may not be considered as “targeted advertising” (i.e., email and ezine advertising or search engine clicks), but it provides free traffic which will improve your site ranking and promotes your program or product at the same time.

Advertising with traffic exchanges is really simple once you start thinking of traffic exchanges as TV ads. You only have the viewer’s attention for a few seconds, so your sales page must grab it and give them an action they can take. Some people say that traffic exchange advertising does not work, but traffic exchange advertising is only one aspect of promoting your site. A site owner should diversify site advertising into as many available avenues as possible and track the ads to see what is working best and adjust his marketing strategy accordingly.

Getting free traffic and free advertising through the traffic exchanges is certainly worth considering.


Conley Stallard

What are some good teen jobs for 14 year olds?

February 25th, 2013 2 comments

What are some good jobs for teens? It doesn’t have to pay a lot minimum like $50 a month…
How old do you have to be to bag groceries?

Here’s a short list of jobs which you can create to generate income:

1. Learn calligraphy so that you can provide handwritten invitations and thank you notes to prospective wedding parties, birthday celebrations, etc. Seek out clients through wedding planners at nearby churches and temples. A starter calligraphy kit usually runs around $20 and anyone can easily pick up this skill. The going rate is usually $1 per hand addressed item.

2. Seek from your neighbors a gardner position which involves planting, weed removal, plant/tree trimming, light brush clearance. You will be using the neighbor’s equipment and tools. Again, do not represent yourself as a lawn mower since there are any number of safety issues involved. A door-to-door solicitation of surrounding neighbors is required and you can charge between $6 to $9 per hour.

3. Offer policing/removal or clearance of trash services to surrounding neighbors which involve trash pickup within nearby residential area. Limit the extent of pickup to small areas and be aware that there are no hazardous terrain or elements involved in this process. Again, a door-to-door solicitation of neighbors is in order. You can charge between $6.75 to $7.50 per hour.

4. Acquire a set of window cleaning tools [a bucket, liquid window cleaner, sponge, squeegee, handle with an extension and a small step ladder] and solicit local businesses for your window cleaning services. However, be careful to limit the height of the window cleaning to no higher than one story. Charge $1 per window panel.

5. Why not become a paid feeder servicing the disabled at nearby nursing, convalescent, assisted living/care centers and hospitals. It involves feeding food to patients who are unable to feed themselves. The starting rate is $8.00 per hour. The only downside is that one has to take precautions to wash one’s hands after each feeding. A posting of your services [by a business card or flyer] on a reviewable bulletin board would be enough to generate customers. The paid feeder position is one of the fastest growing occupation at this time.

Good luck!