Avoid SEO Mistakes for Better Search Engine Results
Ethical search engine optimization (SEO) is very effective and a long-term process. Experienced SEO professionals first analyze each and every section of the website and then proceed to implement the Ethical SEO process.
For getting instant results some companies use black hat techniques, which initially may gain good results but later on loss all the importance and not even come in good search results. So it is very essential to avoid unethical SEO processes for better search results. Some such tips must be avoided while doing SEO are given as follows,
Avoid Targeting Irrelevant Keywords
Choosing the right keywords is one of the most important SEO factors, which can make or break the whole SEO campaign. Analyze the best relevant keywords that describe your business perfectly. There are so many keyword suggestion tools available to find good keywords and phrases for your website.
Avoid Ignoring Meta Elements (Title, Description, Keywords, Header tags)
Meta elements are very useful from search engine point of view as these come in search results. From this search engine crawlers get the information about the page. Better the Meta elements better the position of your website in search engine result pages.
Title tag is the most important place for keeping relevant business keywords. It comes at the top of the search results in targeting keywords. Keep the title up to 65 characters in title case and avoid using same title in every page.
Description is another important tag, which give clear description about the web page to search engine crawlers. Keep description up to 250 characters and avoid using all capital letters.
Header tags are used for headings. H1 and H2 tags are frequently used for writing headings. Avoid using images for heading.
Avoid Using Flash and Java scripts
Search engine crawlers are unable read and index flash and java scripts. So avoid flash images and Java scripts with in a page. If possible use external java scripts for better search engine index.
Avoid Using more Images
Try to keep fewer images on the web page. Because images make the site heavy and it takes long time to open in comparison to text.
Avoid not having Robot.txt file
Robots.txt file indicates the spider to crawl that page or not. When there is no robot.txt file search engine may not crawl it properly.
Avoid Improper Navigation
If the site is not properly navigated neither visitors nor the search engines can visit all the web pages easily which leads the visitors to spend very less time on your website.
Avoid Dynamic URLs
Search engines are unable detect dynamic web addresses. It will be better to convert dynamic URLs to search engine friendly url.
Avoid Spam Content:
Always try to put relevant, unique and keyword rich content in web pages. Do not put copied content.
Avoid Spam Back links
Try to get links from relevant web pages and categories with keyword rich anchor text. Avoid links from link farms, adult pages and other irrelevant inclusion.
While doing SEO, consider the above search tips for better engine rankings. Another most important thing is, keep updating your website in regular intervals with proper SEO analysis.
Rudradatta Rath
Tips to create a good internal linking strategy?
Google is a name that almost everyone in the world knows and they should, as the world’s most widely used search engine. Many people throw up a website for different reasons and believe that is the end of it. The internet contains so much information that it would take a person several lifetimes to read a fraction of the information, it needs the best organization possible. This task has been accomplished by search engines; the largest of which are Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Getting your site in front of viewers all comes down to how well it is optimized. SEO, also known as search engine optimization, is ideal for people who are trying to get visitors to their site and don’t want to pay outrageous prices to get them. It’s the sad truth but when it comes to SEO advice you need to be very careful who you listen to because there is so much damaging information out there. This article will be discussing some of the common mistakes that occur when you’re trying to optimize your site.
SEO takes time to work but once it does it is almost self sustaining. Patience is a must for SEO. Of course, once you’ve done the initial work, the payoff is lots of traffic. Everybody wants to be on the first page for a commercial keyword that is in demand. You must be ready to build links, create unique content and put in the time to have everything in place, then you can simply forget getting ranked for any keyword. The speed at which your site loads is also a factor, not only to your popularity with visitors, but also to how the search engines view your site. If your site contains messy code or is overloaded with convoluted code, it will make your site load more slowly in a visitor’s browser, which is something Google doesn’t like. Where possible, try to avoid internal code on your pages and use an external CSS file instead. This small change can speed up your loading times and make it much easier to update your site later. Remember that search engines aim to offer their own users the best possible results to suit their needs, so your aim is to find ways to appeal to what the search engines want. In essence, this can mean your site needs to match what your visitors are looking for and also needs to fit within what the search engines are looking for.
Getting incoming links too quickly is also a mistake, as it will send out a red flag to the search engine and they’ll penalize you for link spamming. A major myth going around right now is that your new site will catapult to the number spot on the first page if your link is mass distributed across the web. But this doesn’t work that way, as search engines like natural link building. Are you willing to get your brand new site sandboxed and de-indexed because you didn’t have the patience to build your links naturally over time? The big secret is to build links slow and steady.
See, SEO isn’t as complicated as it seems, just stick to the basics and you will be doing better than most. The more you practice optimizing your site, the better results you will get. So, now you have it; quality backlinks, internally linking related pages, on-site optimization, and patience.
On-page SEO and off-page SEO are both important factors in improving overall search engine optimization. On-page is what you control on your website and includes Structure and Content. The website structure includes internal links. Off-page refers primarily to link-building.
Here’s some additional information on both of those factors
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