Home > Search Engine Checker > Free Firefox Add-ons Help Internet Businesses

Free Firefox Add-ons Help Internet Businesses

If you are not familiar with how Firefox add-ons work, here is a quick introduction. Firefox is a free browser that anyone can use. But unlike other browsers, Firefox allows third party developers to come up with useful applications. These applications can be installed on the browser, and they appear to be part of the browser. For this reason, they are also commonly referred to as Firefox extensions.

Today, there are many different types of Firefox extensions available for download. Mostly, they exist to serve specific interest groups. For example, Firefox extensions for online business owners have been on the rise. These tiny but useful applications show important information about websites or web pages. Such information include traffic rankings, Google page rank and more.

Recently, GadgetAdvisor, a newly launched technology website offers another useful Firefox extension – the Google cache checker. This is a light weight application that shows whether a web page has been cached by Google. If a web page has been cached, a green arrow shows on the status bar. Otherwise, a red X is displayed.

Obviously, many online marketers will find this extension useful when they are considering whether to acquire links. For instance, when considering whether to submit a URL to a web directory, a quick glance at the status bar will let the marketer know whether the site has been properly indexed by Google or not. If the status bar shows a red X, perhaps the marketer may want to skip that directory.

Similarly, an online marketer can adopt the same approach when buying advertising on a site. If the sites contain many web pages that are caches by Google, chances are, it will have higher traffic levels.

This is also useful when buying websites. Usually, sites that are well indexed by the search engines and can supply proof of organic traffic are worth more. As you perform your due diligence and examine the site, don’t forget to check your status bar to see whether the site you are buying is cached by Google or not. Perhaps the seller is trying to sell the site because it has been recently banned by Google! Fortunately, now you have an extension that will warn you before it’s too late.

Sometimes, you may be running search engine optimization campaigns for new websites. With the extension installed in your browser, you no longer have to deliberately visit Google to check whether your new sites have been indexed. As you continue working on your sites, you can always monitor your status bar to see if the web pages have been cached.

As you can see, even a simple Firefox extension like the Google cache checker can come in very handy for online business owners.

You may be surprised to learn that just like the Firefox browser, the Google cache checker is also free for download. You may download and install this application from the GadgetAdvisor website with no strings attached. The only condition is that you don’t host the extension on your own site. If you wish to allow other users to get their hands on this extension, simply refer them to GadgetAdvisor with a simple text link.

Gen Wright

  1. J.D
    March 9th, 2013 at 05:26 | #1

    How do I get rid of Antivirus 360?
    The icon of the antivirus 360 is gone but its still blocking some websites how do I get rid of it?
    I cant uninstall it like that i tried my sister used AVG free and its gone now

  2. dngrzdmn
    March 9th, 2013 at 10:28 | #2


    control panel

    programs and software

    Norton 360

    right click- uninstall
    References :

  3. Grizzom
    March 9th, 2013 at 10:30 | #3

    Read this and watch the video and you can fix it in a couple hrs and never have to do it again as long as you use these 3 programs.
    "How to kill viruses for free" "No strings attached" "Dummy proof"
    There’s a myth going around that if you play on the internet you have to pay for expensive security programs! This is simply not true! There’s three really good programs that are free to the public with no strings attached! Use these programs together and they make up the perfect security system that rivals any paid program. They don’t slow your computer down like other programs.
    The first is M-bam "Malwarebytes"It’s an on demand scanner with a really cool tool called file assassin.You can use this tool to delete rogue programs that freeze up your computer and keeps you from downloading and using security programs!
    The second is "Superantispyware" It’s another on demand scanner that catches what M-bam misses!
    Third is "Avira" It’s an on demand scanner and firewall "although they call it AntiVirGuard" I use this as my primary security.I have it setup to do updates and scans at night when I’m sleeping so when I go on my computer in the morning it’s there waiting for me to review all the bugs I caught the day before! "Note"Until you get your computer clean I would disable the AntiVirGuard It’s a little sensitive and can drive you crazy with popups saying your computer is infected.
    I found a very good video by Matt Rizos that explains the whole prosess in detail so get out the popcorn and watch this video!
    Now that your computer is clean download CC-cleaner and run the cleaner.
    Click the tool icon and uninstall any unused programs "If your not sure about a program leave it alone because once it’s gone it’s gone!"Next click Startup button" and go through the list and disable everything except ctfmon.exe and avgnt.Don’t worry if something doesn’t work right you can always go back and enable them latter! Restart your computer and a window will popup,check the little box that says to leave you alone and your back in business(~:
    I strongly suggest using firefox as you main browser with these add ons included,Wot "web of trust",ABP addblock,and most important a add on called No Script."Note" If No script drives you crazy go in tools in firefox click add ons and disable it and you can enable it when your surfing on shady sites?
    Use internet explorer as a backup and do the following:Tools>Internet Options>Advanced tab>scroll down to security and make sure "Allow active content to run on my computer" Is unchecked! I hope this helped you out and if you can afford it,Buy the full versions latter that way they will hopefully keep the free stuff out their for the poor people like me (~;

    I set up a blog to help people like yourself deal with viruses and other problems associated with them! Check it out if you like.I promise you no scams or anything to buy just good information.
    If you have any questions just click on my name under my avatar and drop me an email. I’m online most of the time and I’ll see what I can do?
    References :
    "Community guide lines"
    If you have years of experience in something,it’s OK to accompany a good, on-topic answer with a link to your website, blog, or email to offer more information.
    I don’t believe I’m breaking any guide lines with this answer?

  4. the kid
    March 9th, 2013 at 10:32 | #4

    start got to control panel then click add or remove programs then find the program you want gone click it then click change/remove and the uninstallation process will begin, also you may have to reboot your system after the uninstallment
    References :

  5. wiseman
    March 9th, 2013 at 10:34 | #5

    To Remove Antivirus 360 in you Computer First Use Manual steps to turn off or turn on System Restore
    Steps to turn off System Restore

    1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
    2. In the System Properties dialog box, click the System Restore tab.
    3. Click to select the Turn off System Restore check box. Or, click to select the Turn off System Restore on all drives check box.
    4. Click OK.
    5. When you receive the following message, click Yes to confirm that you want to turn off System Restore.

    Then After Restart you Computer Safe Mode with Networking How To Restart? To get into the Windows Safe Mode with Networking computer is booting press and hold your "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to Safe Mode with Networking and press your Enter key. Then Download Update Use Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware Press This Link http://www.download.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.html?tag=contentBody;mostPopTwoColWrap&cdlPid=10997763

    Download and Scan Use Super Antispyware Press here http://www.superantispyware.com/

    Download and Scan Use Norman Malware Cleaner Press here http://www.norman.com/Virus/Virus_removal_tools/24789/

    You Can Also Remove Antivirus 360 By Using SmitFraudFix v2.398 (WinXP, Win2K) Press here http://siri.geekstogo.com/SmitfraudFix.php

    After Finish Remove Antivirus 360 Restart You Computer To Be Normal Then After Turn On System Restore.Steps to turn on System Restore

    1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
    2. In the System Properties dialog box, click the System Restore tab.
    3. Click to clear the Turn off System Restore check box. Or, click the Turn off System Restore on all drives check box.
    4. Click OK.

    After a few moments, the System Properties dialog box closes. Then Restart You Computer To Be Normal
    References :

  6. Meher
    March 9th, 2013 at 10:36 | #6

    Antivirus 360 is a scam, it is a rogue spyware that appears as fake antivrius program, remove it manually
    References :

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