Which group of Americans or religious group… manage the OFFSHORE BANKING + help hide $ for the rich oversea?
Offshore banking has been associated in the past with the underground economy and organized crime, through money laundering.[3] Following September 11, 2001, offshore banks and tax havens, along with clearing houses, have been accused of helping various organized crime gangs, terrorist groups, and other state or non-state actors. However, offshore banking is a legitimate financial exercise undertaken by many expatriate and international workers.
Offshore banking services provide wide range of benefits and opens up distinct opportunities. Opening such an account provides a powerful tool for keeping money secure and making it exempted from taxes. Using an offshore bank account provides opportunities that are not available to domestic banking users. The most important of those are bank secrecy / confidentiality and exemption from taxes on gains. Income generated in form of interest on deposits is not taxed by the income tax. Customers also get possibility to invest globally.
May be Zeitgeist movement is a solution for you and me do your own research.http://www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com/
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Us nggas, we do all the work in muthafocking Detroit.
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Oh sure, they’ll be lining up in droves to announce their guilt.
The profits made off of their disposable income does not get reported, and thus, a tax increase on this class will not be remotely damaging as the GOP seeks to purport.
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May be Zeitgeist movement is a solution for you and me do your own research.http://www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com/
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