Home > Income Generating Tools > What are the best tools under $100 to build a semi-professional website?

What are the best tools under $100 to build a semi-professional website?

I don’t want something too simple or too fancy.

I’m using a great online company called Sitesell. This is the very first time I have ever built a website, so I needed a company who could take me by the hand, step by step!

I have nothing but praise for them! They make EVERYTHING so easy! They supply all of the online training, simple (yet incredibly sophisticated tools) and excellent support.

There is small annual hosting fee to pay but that includes all of the above plus your domain registration. They even supply the templates for designing your site! And don’t worry about html coding or other techy stuff as that’s all taken care of for you!

My site is only 18 months old. but It’s already very highly ranked by the major search engines and is attracting more than 30,000 visitors a month…..and rising! Plus it generates a substantial income (mainly from advertising) which not only well exceeds the running costs, but actually shows a very healthy profit!

You can get more details from my information page at:

Best wishes

  1. Multibullets
    April 3rd, 2013 at 02:24 | #1

    first you might need to learn Javascript but before you can learn that you’ll have to learn HTML,XHTML,JSJ and then Javascript.
    Might take you about 3 years.
    http://www.w3schools.com is a good site to learn those codes.

    Good luck!
    References :

  2. BlueBoden
    April 3rd, 2013 at 02:56 | #2

    Not really, learning html and css, wouldn’t take more then a few days, if you are focused.

    Its the browser specific problems which are hard, and that could take years of experience to know all specific solutions.

    But today is a entirely different matter, browsers have broader support of the standards, thous leaving years of experience obsolete in most cases.

    With IE7, most our problems are gone, and we can now design pages which, works in most "updated browsers", with minimal usage of hacks, or conditional comments for IE.
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  3. ncd275
    April 3rd, 2013 at 03:43 | #3

    everythings free except the domain but you have to pay for the domains everywhere
    References :

  4. Robert
    April 3rd, 2013 at 04:21 | #4

    I’m using a great online company called Sitesell. This is the very first time I have ever built a website, so I needed a company who could take me by the hand, step by step!

    I have nothing but praise for them! They make EVERYTHING so easy! They supply all of the online training, simple (yet incredibly sophisticated tools) and excellent support.

    There is small annual hosting fee to pay but that includes all of the above plus your domain registration. They even supply the templates for designing your site! And don’t worry about html coding or other techy stuff as that’s all taken care of for you!

    My site is only 18 months old. but It’s already very highly ranked by the major search engines and is attracting more than 30,000 visitors a month…..and rising! Plus it generates a substantial income (mainly from advertising) which not only well exceeds the running costs, but actually shows a very healthy profit!

    You can get more details from my information page at:

    Best wishes
    References :

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