What are the best selling items to sell from your own website?
I hear that if I can build a website that I can make money doing so. I have NO idea what it is that I should sell that I would have in my house! I don’t have inventory nor do I know HOW to start something like that. I figure if I could build a website and charge 9.99 per person a month or whatever it may be that it could bring in some great income from home! Anybody have any suggestions or some knowledge in this area?
You have a number of questions rolled into one.
First to make an income you would need a hosted site. You need a web host.
They supply all the tools you need, unlimited space, emails, and the best apps to create the site, forum, blogs.
The search engines will find you for whatever your website is about.
Next you put things on your website to generate cash. You can start with Google Adsense. You get little ads to put on your site, if anyone clicks you get a commission.
You can also check out www.cj.com, www.shareasale.com and www.maxbounty.com
These all involve ads and getting money if someone clicks them.
Then you mentioned membership. If your website has something people are willing to pay for, great, that will work. You just set up user names and logins for those that pay.
But first you need a web host. Its cheap. Only about 40.00
Good Luck
I once had a website that I wrote story’s on. I did not charge but I did add stories to it weekly.
Maybe you could have a Handy man site or cooking site. Make projects or something like that.
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Well I could suggest a better opportunity If you really interested you can work as our partner
What you have to do : Just Bring business
What you will get : OWN Web Products & Services
you can start at your own Project of either of topic
if you are still interested kindly mail me
References :
Well you can also yahoo answer for earning high
(Earn cash with yahoo answer) http://cash-calling.blogspot.com/
You have a number of questions rolled into one.
First to make an income you would need a hosted site. You need a web host.
They supply all the tools you need, unlimited space, emails, and the best apps to create the site, forum, blogs.
The search engines will find you for whatever your website is about.
Next you put things on your website to generate cash. You can start with Google Adsense. You get little ads to put on your site, if anyone clicks you get a commission.
You can also check out http://www.cj.com, http://www.shareasale.com and http://www.maxbounty.com
These all involve ads and getting money if someone clicks them.
Then you mentioned membership. If your website has something people are willing to pay for, great, that will work. You just set up user names and logins for those that pay.
But first you need a web host. Its cheap. Only about 40.00
Good Luck
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