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Is having an online business easier or harder than owning a store?

1. What are the pros and cons of running an online business?
2. What are the pros and cons of running a store?
3. Which would you rather have?

These days an online store costs much less to operate. The overhead costs are greatly reduced as well and you don’t have to pay rent. Marketing is critical with online stores and you need to do a lot of market research which you can conduct yourself. Online stores can be FREE to start and can cost as little as $19 per month up to $199 a month according to product selection. You can market via facebook or any social media network, you can market using google PPC, Commission Junction is another tool you can Utilize to generate extra income. There are backlinking places you can join in order to generate even more traffic.

Online stores also give you access to more competition and more potential customers. But overall the costs i much less to operate and can be just a profitable if not more when you market right.

  1. Kevin Allen
    March 10th, 2013 at 17:40 | #1

    These days an online store costs much less to operate. The overhead costs are greatly reduced as well and you don’t have to pay rent. Marketing is critical with online stores and you need to do a lot of market research which you can conduct yourself. Online stores can be FREE to start and can cost as little as $19 per month up to $199 a month according to product selection. You can market via facebook or any social media network, you can market using google PPC, Commission Junction is another tool you can Utilize to generate extra income. There are backlinking places you can join in order to generate even more traffic.

    Online stores also give you access to more competition and more potential customers. But overall the costs i much less to operate and can be just a profitable if not more when you market right.
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  2. Jo W
    March 10th, 2013 at 18:02 | #2

    It’s all about cost…online every time.
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  3. Mindi
    March 10th, 2013 at 18:10 | #3

    you have to look into the start up cost and the cost of maintenance… i know of an incredible business opp that can change your life… Amazingly, it costs less than a thousand dollars to start up and 100.00 a month to maintain… check it out and let me know if you have any questions
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  4. Antoine
    March 10th, 2013 at 18:39 | #4

    yes.. because you don’t need to rent a space for your business which can be a big burden.
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  5. a z
    March 10th, 2013 at 19:09 | #5

    It really depends what type of business you have. There are many types of businesses you an bring online. Others do better in store but still need to be present online. What type of person are you? iScripts.com has some interesting business models to get you thinking. Ecommerce? Are you selling to consumers or other businesses? Dating sites? Bed and Breakfast? Swapping site? It really depends on your idea and what you will enjoy most as an individual.
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  6. Tyler Steinberg
    March 10th, 2013 at 19:35 | #6

    1) Running an online business does not require you to pay any rental and overheads as compared to having a physical store. It’s also easier for you to promote your products online and allow customers to shop at your online store 24/7 while a physical store will need to close after working hours. However, you will need to work on getting your online store ranked higher on the search engines to be more visible to online shoppers who are searching for products related to what you are selling online.
    2) Having a physical store is great if you are located in an ideal location where many people are able to see you and that you have built up quite a good reputation for your products which people constantly buy from you. However, you are only limited to that area unless you have an online store.
    3) I’d rather have an online store where I can reach an international market and not have to worry about paying hefty rents since the monthly subscription rate for an online store is quite affordable.

    Hope this helps. Websites cited below for your reference.

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  7. Jack Sarlo
    March 10th, 2013 at 19:51 | #7

    One thing is for sure it’s more profitable and has more advantages if done right.

    1. What are the pros and cons of running an online business?

    Pros: less expensive, ability to make money from home work (wear what you like, start when you want), ability to make way more money in most cases when doing right.
    Cons: Learning curve, since it’s not like offline business you don’t just open the store and customers will simple step in and buy – online there are many "bits and pieces" you have to do right for the business to make money and profit!

    2. What are the pros and cons of running a store?

    Not an expert in this, so better not say anything…

    3. Which would you rather have?

    I have online business already, offline not like it because you can’t work the hours you want, you can’t make money while you sleep, online more benefits like I said but there’s learning curve so I prefer it for that!

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