Ideas for a home based business as a second income?
I have job right now that pays well and I have a lot of spare time because I work 12 hour days with lots of days off. I am looking for an idea that will help supplement this job and to give me something to do in my spare time. I don’t need to make a lot of money…even 500 bucks a month would be fantastic! Anyone have any ideas? It has to be fairly simple and something I can do from home or the internet!
This business is about leadership, teamwork and the following facts:
1. Generated 125 billion dollars in revenue in 2010. 2. Has grown for 22 consecutive years. 3. You do not have to worry about overhead: no storefront, no payroll, no huge advertising costs. 4. Tools, systems and training provided for you. 5. Your success isn’t determined by your race, age, religion or educational background. 6. This is an industry for people who want to change their lives. 7. Over 75 million men and women are a part of this industry. 8. This industry is creating more millions than any other profession in history. 9. Let’s people build a substantial income part-time. 10. You can build your business leveraging the internet. 11. You can start from the bottom and go to the top and become a top achiever. 12. If you are a person with big dreams and would love to support others in achieving their big dreams, then this business is definitely for you.
Internet marketing is a way that you could make some extra cash. Google the Warrior Forum and you’ll get plenty of info there.
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how about building a business website this can be a great part time job and another one I like is sendoutcards. good luck
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Why don’t you start your own handbag business? We are So Chic Bag Boutique! We sell handbags, diaper bags, beauty products and more! Best of all, you can start 100% free! We will never charge you any out of pocket costs. Be your own boss…there is no limit to succeed! Best of wishes!
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This business is about leadership, teamwork and the following facts:
1. Generated 125 billion dollars in revenue in 2010. 2. Has grown for 22 consecutive years. 3. You do not have to worry about overhead: no storefront, no payroll, no huge advertising costs. 4. Tools, systems and training provided for you. 5. Your success isn’t determined by your race, age, religion or educational background. 6. This is an industry for people who want to change their lives. 7. Over 75 million men and women are a part of this industry. 8. This industry is creating more millions than any other profession in history. 9. Let’s people build a substantial income part-time. 10. You can build your business leveraging the internet. 11. You can start from the bottom and go to the top and become a top achiever. 12. If you are a person with big dreams and would love to support others in achieving their big dreams, then this business is definitely for you.
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I no longer work from home but when I was a single mom I did, for several years. I am very knowledgeable on this topic because I spent 6 years researching and investigating over 50 work at home options. I have published articles, guides and reviews on this topic. I am happy to share some information that will help guide you in the right direction as well as give you the websites for a couple companies I have found to be more than reputable. However, no matter what, lesson number one is always do your due diligence. Thoroughly research any company you are considering and ask questions!
People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are no work at home JOBS other than remote call center work. This is a viable option but there are some significant down sides to this. You are required to pay a fee, usually about $50, for a credit and background check, and if you don’t meet their “criteria” you will be out that $50 bucks. Also you have to have a 100% quiet work environment and the pay is pretty low. Most people are not able to make more than $150 a week at best. With all these negatives there are a couple legit call center jobs you can do from home and I will cite them in my profile to the left. However, most people aren’t looking for call center work.
The best way to earn an income from home would be to open your own legitimate home business. Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%.
Legitimate small home businesses should have a small startup cost involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so KNOW the business. Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $150 – $200 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $400 – $1000 or more. If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN, not walk the other way! They never are in the end. (For those who want a home business for free, rethink that idea. I’ve never seen any business, home or not, that was free to own. If every business was free, everyone would have one.)
Alright so here are some things to look for in a home business. Ask the following questions and MAKE SURE you have a real person to talk to. If you can’t get a real person on the phone, walk away.
1. Are you rated with the BBB? (They should have B or better. An A+ rating is the best possible rating and it shows they are well known and highly trusted.)
2. Are your start up costs less than $200?
3. Who would be training me? (If it’s a "call center" type of call an "800 number" for help, that’s no good. You want to be trained by another business owner within the company. How can someone in a call center train you on something they themselves are not doing?)
4. How do you pay your business owners? (Paper checks from a Federally Insured bank and/or direct deposit through a Federally Insured bank or financial institution like Visa or Paylution should be the answer. No "paypal", money orders, cash or anything like that.)
5. Do you have any Fortune 500 partners or endorsements?
6. How long have you been in business? (Definitely should be over 5 years, over 10 is even better)
7. Do YOU own a home business with this company as well? (If the answer is no, ask for the name and number of someone you can talk to who works with the company so you can get a good feel of things. If they refuse to provide it, walk away.)
No matter what you decide, AVOID these top 5 work at home scams.
5. Craft Assembly
3. Medical Billing
3. Email/Rebate Processing
2. Envelope Stuffing
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there.)
As a breath of fresh air, I am NOT affiliated with any home business nor do I sell anything like "home business guides" or "work at home lists". I merely offer my expertise and guidance, and yes, that’s free! 🙂
As I promised, I will list some home businesses that I have found to be VERY reputable and that have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau in my profile to the left.
So as to follow Yahoo’s TOS, the sites can be found only IN MY PROFILE if you would like to see them.
I wish you the best of luck in your search!
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