Home > Income Generating Tools > I want to manage my domentic expenditure online, please suggest any website/tools.?

I want to manage my domentic expenditure online, please suggest any website/tools.?

I want to manage my house hold income online, I am a service oriented person, my wife also works we do not get enough time to write our expenditure anywere, we have done it many a times on paper/diary but not able to continue it neither any report we can generate, nor any analysis we can as where we are going wrong or what we are doing great.. Predominantly I want to manage following items
1) House hold expenditure like
Grocery bills, monthly payments like TV Cable, News paper, Milkman, utility bills like electricity, gas, bills etc
2) Some other variable payments like credit card payment, petrol expenditure, travel/restaurant bills,
3) Income from various soruce like Salary, rental, other earnings etc
4) Analysis of all the expenditure and way to find optimisation
5) Based on analysis, budgeting.
6) Multiple people like me, my wife and kids can keyin their expenditure
7) Investments like MF, Shares, FDs etc
8) Loan replayment like Housing loan, car loan, Persona, education etc…

and so on in same line..

You need to concern any Expert so to concern them visit the link given below and get complete information.

  1. m r
    June 4th, 2012 at 02:01 | #1

    http://www.saleinuae.blogspot.com I am not sure how helpfull it will be for u…but worth a try
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  2. raulbesquival
    June 4th, 2012 at 02:09 | #2

    You need to schedule all your domestic expenditure and manage it from your income.
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  3. Poonam
    June 4th, 2012 at 02:26 | #3

    You need to concern any Expert so to concern them visit the link given below and get complete information.
    References :

  4. Innova
    June 4th, 2012 at 03:06 | #4

    first of all.. get hold of google documents – get a gmail account and where you get documemts – like word and excel. first make the data in the spreadsheet of gmail and save it so it can be opened online any where.. you authorise your wife so she can handle it. Now recording is over.
    One you have this record, go to microsoft web site and look for excel templates – you get household excel sheet tempaltes. These templates need to be modified / extra headings need to be inserted .
    So far analysis is concerned YOU will have to take care of this
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  5. Sanchita
    June 4th, 2012 at 03:37 | #5

    check out manilla.com…its an online system for household exp, bills, subscriptions etc.
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