Home > Income Generating Tools > how can you measure how much a website that uses adsense advertising generates?

how can you measure how much a website that uses adsense advertising generates?

October 23rd, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

may be a tool that can estimate range with which the website income falls.

You can just use custom channels option to solve this problem. For example, if you have 5websites, just go to your adsense account nad click setup and continue while you get add channels on it, you simply enter those website titles on it and create new adsense scripts and update them on your website pages.

This is can done using exisitng scripts also if your familar with adsense account.

  1. Nagaraj From
    October 24th, 2012 at 02:29 | #1

    You can just use custom channels option to solve this problem. For example, if you have 5websites, just go to your adsense account nad click setup and continue while you get add channels on it, you simply enter those website titles on it and create new adsense scripts and update them on your website pages.

    This is can done using exisitng scripts also if your familar with adsense account.
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