Home > Income Generating Tools > Does anyone know around how much skilled carpenters are paid in Italy? How is their economy compared to ours?

Does anyone know around how much skilled carpenters are paid in Italy? How is their economy compared to ours?

November 29th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I need to know if we can make a living there, we are moving to the northwest side of Italy (Genova area) and my husband is a skilled carpenter, I know around how much cost of living is, but I need a rough estimate of the amount of income we should expect to generate? Has anyone lived there, or knows someone who lived/lives there? How is thier financial situation? Thank you for the help… I worry!

Province of Como or most northern regions of Italy are considered more affluent and consequently,the workers gain higher salaries to support the higher cost of living.

Self-employed people may wish to join the Unione di Commercio, which provides a range of information and assistance for the self-employed .

Please consult the website cited below, to learn more. I hope that yr husband has applied for the proper authorizations and license required for a sole trader or self-employed individual.
Note: You should never be tempted to start work before you’re registered, for which there are stiff penalties, which may include a large fine, confiscation of machinery or tools, deportation and even a ban from entering Italy for a number of years.

Good Luck.

  1. BBPerfume
    November 29th, 2012 at 09:27 | #1

    Province of Como or most northern regions of Italy are considered more affluent and consequently,the workers gain higher salaries to support the higher cost of living.

    Self-employed people may wish to join the Unione di Commercio, which provides a range of information and assistance for the self-employed .

    Please consult the website cited below, to learn more. I hope that yr husband has applied for the proper authorizations and license required for a sole trader or self-employed individual.
    Note: You should never be tempted to start work before you’re registered, for which there are stiff penalties, which may include a large fine, confiscation of machinery or tools, deportation and even a ban from entering Italy for a number of years.

    Good Luck.
    References :

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