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How to Properly Improve Search Engine Rankings

How a search engine works

In order to get your site listed in search engine results you must first learn how a search engine works, and what makes a website relevant in their eyes. Google is the most popular search engine so I will be explaining google.

The goal of google is to return the most relevant results for its users. If someone is searching for infomation or products and the results that are returned are not useful there not going to continue using that search engine. Therefore google uses many tools to measure the relevancy of a page to certain search terms or keywords. 

The biggest factor that google uses to determine the order in which its search results display is the popularity of the page or site. Google measures website popularity by the number of links from other sites that are pointing to that page. These must be from quality sites however, placing a link to your site in link farms, or directories will not work. The best way to improve your sites backlinks is to email other webmasters with sites similar to yours and offer to pay them to place a link to your site. Only do this two to three times per month, if you gain to many links to fast you may get your sie banned from google.

 Google also measures keyword density, this is the ratio of a certain word or phrase to the total amount of words on the page. It is believed that a keyword density of around 2 percent is best for google. There are many tools on the web that you can use to check your keyword density, just do a google search for keyword density tool.

The most important of all comes once a visitor enters your site from a google search. Google will measure the activity of a visitor once they are on your site. For example if a visitor is on your site for only a few seconds and then leave, google then knows that your site is not relevant to the keyword they used to find your site. You can sign up for google analytics and this will give you some of the same reports that google uses to determine the rank of your site. Learn what each report means and how you can improve them, and you will see a dramatic increase in your page rank.


  • Do proper keyword research and target only the most relevant
  • Check your keywod density and try to keep it below 2%
  • Find sites more popular than  your own, and purchase links once or twice a month
  • Sign up for google analytics and learn what the reports mean and how to improve on them

Kevin Shearin

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