California Search Engine Optimization Services
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most widely used terms in website implementation and is closely associated with the effective running and success of ecommerce websites of business firms. Along with user friendly design, effective optimization is essential to keep websites visible to major search engines and thereby have more customers and global reach of services. To satisfy the needs of California based companies, a number of reputable search engine optimization service providers offer their services in California, aimed at prospering the growth of online companies in the state.
Most of the SEO companies in California have experienced professionals in search engine optimization. Their experience combined with modern optimization tools yields positive results for their clients. Almost all these companies have their services aimed at helping client websites achieve a position among the top ten search rankings and hence implement their optimization techniques to be highly compatible with search algorithms of search giants such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
To remain competitive in the field, most of these SEO firms often take great care to update their optimization tools and the knowledge level of their professionals, thus getting themselves adapted to the changing trends and developments in the field. The web development teams in these firms consisting of graphic designers, copywriters and programmers also contribute their services to these search engine optimization processes.
Keyword research and competition analysis forms a key part in their search engine optimization services and for ensuring long lasting results in their optimization jobs, most of these SEO firms utilize only ethical methods. These ethical methods or ‘White Hat Techniques’ are organic methods used to achieve natural top search results. The top rankings achieved through organic methods can be maintained for a longer period, and are less affected by frequent changes in global search engine algorithms.
With constant improvements in their services, all California based search engine optimization firms are highly competitive in their services, guaranteeing time bound and affordable services. To cater to increasing demands in optimization, most SEO firms are now expanding their services to cover all cities in California including Albany, Beverly Hills, Belmont, Dublin, Fremont, Huron, Los Angeles, Mountain view, Pittsburg and Richmond, to name a few.
Rajeev Rajagopal
How do increase my search engine rank for my small business?
I have a roofing business that serves the Bay Area of California and I want to submit my website to search engines. How do I make it so that I show up at or near the top of the ranks when people search "roofs", "bay area roofs", etc.?
I have met similiar problem before, here list of sites
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I would suggest a 2 part process.
Step 1, would be to look at your website to ensure that you have implemented basic SEO
Step 2 would be to submit your website to google local business and to directories.
Take a look at your website to ensure that you have implemented SEO (search engine optimisation)
Good SEO should help people or search engines find your information
So if you build a website that is about ‘roofs’, you should ensure that the web pages are optimised for the content displayed and information offered. This includes using "key words" (keywords) for the product.
Some of the basic steps and considerations for SEO would be the following:
1) Using relevant keywords within the website / page content, the content of the website pages is the top priority for SEO, your website pages should provide good information about the product / service or subject.
2) The website name, or domain name, it can help people or search engines find your information if your domain name includes the product / subject / keywords
3) The page names, you may have lots of information about that requires separate pages, using keywords for the page / file name is good practice,
4) Meta tags, these are parts of the html code that are used by Search engines to help identify the content of the webpage. The html code of the page is not visible to the user unless you select view page source within the browser. You can to add important information about the webpage and products on the webpage to the meta tags, this is where you can add keywords about the products on the webpage.
Important html tags include:
<title>This page is about keywords</title>
<meta name="description" content="This is where you have a short sentence that describes the content of the web page and includes keywords" />
<meta name="keywords" content="add keywords here separated by commas,keyword1,keyword2,keyword3" />
5) Images, you can use relevant keywords for image file names on your webpage. You can also add ‘alternate text’ to the image within the html code, this is designed to help users that may have impaired vision and use computer software called ‘screen readers’ which is an audio tool that provides audio description of what is on the screen.
alt tex html tag: alt="This text describes the content / picture on the image and will be read by screen reader and search engines"
Basic Steps to Follow to help improve search engine listings for your website
If your site is for your ‘business’ then you should submit it to Google Local Business: this can help you can gain top search results in Google for your business products or services using the Local Business service from Google. You will need to register for a googlemail account then submit your website / business details to Google’s local business centre.
Marketing your Website using Directories and Website Links
The next step is to get links to your website. This is one of the most important things that you can do to help your website with regard to internet marketing and search engine results. To do this you will need to list your website on as many websites and directories as possible. Directories operate in one of 3 ways: Paid Listing Directory, Free and Reciprocal Link Directories.
Paid Listing Directory: for a listing fee your website is listed, often these are higher quality directories as only serious website owners and business’s will pay to be listed. These are usually the fastest way to get listed and get links to your website, as the paid listing directories are run as a business. There are niche/specialist and general directories.
Free Directories: it can take a long time to get your website listed. As the service is free, there may be little or no control of the quality of websites being listed.
Reciprocal Link Directories: these again can take time before your website is listed and your website will only be listed after you provide a link to them.
Website owners wishing to promote their new website in the search engines are often in a hurry to ‘get results’ so the listing service offered by Paid Listing Directories is the fastest way to get links to your website.
1. You should try and get as many links to your websites as possible (add your website to directories)
2. Try to get keyword links, these are links that use ‘content relevant keywords’ as the anchor text.
Good Luck
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Location Specific is easy, if you have a business phone # you will be in directories too, But I think google is pushing them back and letting small business websites up front these days, or that’s what it looks like to me any way. I like the website templates has to offer they are great for html seo and I use for my hosting service.
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Basic SEO… add your business site to directories…
for a good list go to or visit and theyll do it for you..
also add your site to local business directories..
a good one you can use is
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I specialize in SEO for small businesses. The first thing you need to do, before doing any SEO work, is visit the Google Local Business Center and input the information for your company. That’s how you get to appear on the map at the top of the Google search results. I’ve added a link to an instructional video below. (Sound quality is low, so you’ll have to turn up the volume.) Google Local Business Center is free, and only takes a minute. It doesn’t actually help your SEO, but it will help you get business from Google, which is the point.
Second step: make sure you’re using the same language that people doing the searching are using. For that you need to do keyword research. I’ve added another link for a video that shows how to use the Google AdWords keyword tool.
After that, you get into technical elements, which may (or may not) be beyond most small-business owners, and link building, which is time consuming. In both cases, you may want to bring on an outside SEO service if you’re not happy with your search engine performance.
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