How do I open up yahoo im after downloading?
After downloading, I got the yahoo browser, & tool bar, but no IM Icon. I have rebooted several times to no avail. The messenger icon button on the top tool bar only takes me back to the orignal download page, &nit does not look quite right. Please help!
·You might have a corrupt file in your Yahoo! Messenger directory.
To fix the problem, you must manually delete the "Messenger" directory on your C: drive (default), then reinstall the Yahoo! Messenger application.
All archives will be deleted if they are not copied. If you have a Flash drive copy it. If none, copy them like this:
CLOSE Yahoo! Messenger (if it is currently running).
Go to your Desktop and double-click "My Computer."
Select the "C:" drive.
Go to: C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Profiles
Your "Profiles" folder contains your complete Message Archive. Copy it to the a different folder on your computer and RENAME IT AND save..
Now you can DELETE the Yahoo Messenger by deleting the directory:
CLOSE the Yahoo! Messenger application if you currently have it running. Make sure all instances of Internet Explorer are CLOSED.
Go to your desktop and double-click "My Computer."
Click the "C:" drive.
Go to C:\Program Files\Yahoo!
Highlight the Yahoo! Messenger folder and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
DEFRAG your computer files to remove those empty spaces resulting from the deletion.
CLOSE all running applications EXCEPT for your Internet browser.
DISABLE YOUR ANTI VIRUS/ANTI SPY PROGRAM/S. Most times they interfere in the downloading/installation process.
Click the link below to download Yahoo Messenger…
Click the "Download Now" button.
Double-click the Yahoo Messenger executable once the download completes to begin the installation process.
Go to your Desktop and double-click "My Computer."
Select the "C:" drive.
Go to: C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Profiles
Drag/drop the copy of your Message Archive to the NEW Yahoo Messenger folder\Yahoo\Messenger\Profiles.
·You might have a corrupt file in your Yahoo! Messenger directory.
To fix the problem, you must manually delete the "Messenger" directory on your C: drive (default), then reinstall the Yahoo! Messenger application.
All archives will be deleted if they are not copied. If you have a Flash drive copy it. If none, copy them like this:
CLOSE Yahoo! Messenger (if it is currently running).
Go to your Desktop and double-click "My Computer."
Select the "C:" drive.
Go to: C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Profiles
Your "Profiles" folder contains your complete Message Archive. Copy it to the a different folder on your computer and RENAME IT AND save..
Now you can DELETE the Yahoo Messenger by deleting the directory:
CLOSE the Yahoo! Messenger application if you currently have it running. Make sure all instances of Internet Explorer are CLOSED.
Go to your desktop and double-click "My Computer."
Click the "C:" drive.
Go to C:\Program Files\Yahoo!
Highlight the Yahoo! Messenger folder and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
DEFRAG your computer files to remove those empty spaces resulting from the deletion.
CLOSE all running applications EXCEPT for your Internet browser.
DISABLE YOUR ANTI VIRUS/ANTI SPY PROGRAM/S. Most times they interfere in the downloading/installation process.
Click the link below to download Yahoo Messenger…
Click the "Download Now" button.
Double-click the Yahoo Messenger executable once the download completes to begin the installation process.
Go to your Desktop and double-click "My Computer."
Select the "C:" drive.
Go to: C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Profiles
Drag/drop the copy of your Message Archive to the NEW Yahoo Messenger folder\Yahoo\Messenger\Profiles.
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