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Erase Porn and Web Eraser Software Tools

The internet brings with it many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that you can do lots of work sitting in the comfort of your home, without having to roam from office to office. Insurance, finance, purchase of products, pursuing an education, playing at casinos and many other things can be done at home with the help of the internet. However though there are many advantages, the internet poses numerous disadvantages too.

The main disadvantage of the internet is that the sites that you visit while browsing through the internet tend to get downloaded in secret files of the computer. With this, without your actually knowing about it, you may have some illicit images and information stored in the computer. Unauthorized people may gain access to information not meant for their eyes.

There is a remedy for this problem; make it a point to download some software in the computer where your privacy, job, family and business are protected. With the help of this internet eraser software in the computer, you can be sure that unwanted images and information does not get recorded or stored in the computer. In addition to all this, the internet eraser software helps delete unwanted files permanently with the help of its shredder feature. The reason the files get shredded with this internet eraser software is that it is not enough just deleting files. There are numerous tools in the internet which can retrieve deleted files.

This internet eraser software also helps you clear your search history for Google and Yahoo toolbar search history. It also helps clear the browser search bar history, With this, sites which had been visited will not be accessible to others.

A very important files users may not know much about is a file that stored secretly in the computer called Index.Dat files, these files store and record all your internet surfing history, what is more frustrating is that these files are hidden and can’t be located, and are difficult to delete manually. With the help of the Internet eraser software, it is possible to clear the content of these files to protect your privacy and security.

When surfing the internet, all the URLs that you visit are stored in a cache folder. So when you want to erase this cache folder from the computer, it can be done easily through the internet eraser software. Many people tend to clear history of the tracks of the sites visited clearing the browser history. However, while doing so, the files get hidden, and can be deleted only by using internet eraser software. The internet eraser software can erase all encrypted information found in the computer through internet surfing.

Sam Roberts

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