Erase Internet History and Internet History Eraser Tools
In this modern world of technology, practically everyone is a computer for some reason or the other. Computers are today used not only for education and research; it is also a great means of communication. It is now possible to reach people across the world within a matter of minutes with electronic mail, online chat and web conferencing. However, much advantageous the internet is to a person; it has its share of disadvantages too.
The main disadvantage that the internet poses to the computer is the recording of unwanted pictures, images, websites and URLs in hidden files in the computer. It is highly probable for a visitor of a porn site to have illicit pictures getting recorded in the computer, which proves to be troublesome if it falls in the hands of children and wrong people.
The best thing that has to be done to prevent all this is to have an internet eraser software installed in the computer. With the installation of the right internet eraser software, the computer can be scanned for unwanted files which are then removed. The files can be deleted manually or the user can set options for deleting these unwanted files automatically by the internet eraser software. Besides this, your sensitive information stored in the computer such as passwords, bank account number, and social security number are also protected by this internet eraser software.
This is because no unwanted matter gets recorded in the computer when there is internet eraser software in the computer. With the internet eraser software, you can opt to delete the internet history files one by one instead of deleting all the IE internet history files. This is because sometimes it is rather convenient to have the IE auto complete URLs in the browser. Here you just have to type the first or second letter in the URL instead of the whole name to visit the site.
With the presence of internet eraser software in the computer, it is possible to have the computer scanned for porn related tracks. Some porn addicts have a habit of visiting porn sties rather frequently. There is a possibility of unwanted pictures falling in the hands of wrong people. This can be prevented by the internet eraser software.
There are many different types of internet eraser software available in the internet. It is all up to you to choose the internet eraser software you would like to have installed in your computer. With the right internet eraser software installed in your PC, you are sure of the safety of your computer.
Sam Roberts
Where can i find the internet history on my computer so i can delete it?
I want to delete some internet history. I think its self explanatory why. I know that just deleting history from the browser doesn’t just take it clean off the computer. Is there somewhere on the computer where i can find it and get rid of it?
If you don’t want to complicate your life with manual tracks erasing, buy a program to do it for you such as CCleaner, OSPC: Privacy Cleaner, East-Tec Eraser 2007, Evidence Eliminator, Tracks Eraser Pro, or Window Washer.
Set IE to automatically delete temporary files when it closes. The option can be found in the Advanced tab under IE’s Tools/Internet Options menu item. Alternatively, install IE replacement Firefox, which offers a "Clear Private Data" tool
After erasing your tracks, delete all System Restore points for good measure. The registry can be restored to a previous state using this tool.
To disable the Recent Documents section on your start menu. Right click on the Start button. Click on Properties. Go to the Start Menu Tab. Then Click the "Customize…" button. Go to the Advanced Tab. Then at the botton you’ll see a recent documents section where you can uncheck "List my most recently opened documents". And there’s also a button that you can use to Clear the List and still keep that portion in the start menu.
Windows maintains a DNS cache to help it find web pages. To see a list of recent web pages viewed open a CMD window (click CMD in the ‘run’ box) and type ipconfig /displaydns. The cache can be emptied by typing ipconfig /flushdns.
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Go to Start>Control Panel>Network and Internet>Internet Options>Delete Browsing History (It should be the the second one down)
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