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Delete Porn and Remove Porn Software Tools

The computer and internet has made research and looking for information an easy procedure as all one needs is knowledge of using the computer and internet. With this knowledge, it is possible to surf the internet to look for any and all information that is required by you for your work.

However, all this surfing of the internet may end up in the sites you visit being recorded in secret files in the PC. In addition to all your movies, documents and clippings being recorded in secret files in the hard disk of your computer, there is also a possibility of information you are not aware of being downloaded in the computer. This can sometimes be quite discriminating to you if unauthorized information is downloaded in the computer.

So the best thing that you could do to provide some protection and security from this happening is to install some of the software available in the internet. The internet eraser software is an internet eraser, privacy protector and system optimizer software program, which helps to protect your computer by erasing of all tracks. With internet eraser software, it is possible to erase your browser history, porn files eraser, address bar eraser and much more. With the download of the software, it is possible to scan your computer for free. And on scanning the computer, you are sure to get shocked at the amount of files, images and content that you find existing in the pc without your knowledge.

With the help of internet eraser, it is possible for you to scan your computer for porn related tracks and popular browsers which can be deleted with a single click. The internet eraser software helps you remove banners and images that may download secretly on the PC and thus helps you clean your computer of these unnecessary downloads. The internet eraser software also helps to delete all the IE internet history files one by one instead of deleting all the files at a go. This way, you can retain the sites that you need, and erase the sites that you don’t actually need on the computer. Majority of the internet eraser software not only supports Internet Explorer, but also Opera, Netscape and FireFox.

The internet eraser software also helps you delete your IE address bar history one by one. The reason this feature is beneficial is because sometimes, you may not have to delete all the address bar history at a go. It may be needed to keep the most frequently visited URLs in the address book for your quick access and only the unnecessary URLs will have to be deleted.

The Internet eraser software also allows PC users to remove and delete cookies from their computer. Cookies are special files that can spy on your personal information and all the activities you do on the website. It is not that all cookies are bad; there are some cookies that are good. So it is up to you to delete only the cookies that you don’t need and to retain the cookies that you need on not only IE, but also FireFox, Opera and Netscape.

Sam Roberts

  1. John N
    June 1st, 2012 at 19:02 | #1

    Strange firewall / trojan horse problem. Help needed.?
    I have a Packard Bell MV35-202 lap top which runs Windows XP. I protect it with the default Windows firewall. AVG 8. Spybot Search and Destroy, and Malwarebytes. I’ve used this combination for three years now, and up until now I’ve never had a virus.
    My neighbour has been using my computer over the last few days, and he seems to have got it infected with something. He’s deleted the temporary internet files, so I can’t see what he’s been looking at, but he’s very religious, so I doubt it’s any obvious danger sites like porn or anything. The problem is something keeps turning off my windows firewall. I keep turning it back on setting it to allow no exceptions, but after a while it keeps turning off again. This has happened five or six times since the day before yesterday. Also AVG8’s resident shield keeps popping up telling me it’s removed something called Trojan Horse Clicker, again five or six times in the last couple of days.
    I’ve updated and scanned with AVG8. Spybot Search and Destroy. Malwarebytes, Windows malicious software removal tool, and the online scanner Cure It Dr Web. None of them find anything. Not even AVG8 despite the fact that it’s resident shield keeps removing this Clicker thing. Anyone got any idea how I can sort this out? I’m not a computer genius, so I’d appreciate any advice given, to be in laymans language. All help will be greatly appreciated.

  2. Heather F
    June 2nd, 2012 at 00:04 | #2

    trojan horse is a very bad computer virus. Shut down your computer it will wipe out everything on it. It did that to mine. Get hold of a computer technican.
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